Gateway Pundit
On Jan. 11, 2024 conservative US YouTuber Gonzalo Lira died in a Ukrainian prison, where he was held for the crime of criticizing the war, and the US and Ukrainian governments. Now, a FOIA request by Judicial Watch sheds stark light on the Biden Regime’s complete failure to stand up for a US political prisoner in a Ukrainian prison. The e-mails reveal the US Embassy was aware of threats to Gonzalo Lira’s life, which it considered “no rush.”
After Gonzalo Lira’s death, the Embassy was mostly concerned with spin control and how to “beef up press guidance” to address the question of “why didn’t the U.S. government do more to assist Mr. Lira?” more
They were primarily disappointed, as they wanted to lock up this additional critic of the U. S. FJB regime. They did however take copious notes to pass along to the D.C. gilag.
Liberals have been protected most all their lives.
If they tipped over on their tricycle, mommy was there to sooth any pain or discomfort, though none existed.
Liberals don’t know pain, they have never been subjected to actual pain, excessive discomfort, childhood torture or even ridicule.
They are SO accustomed to having their way in their comfortable enclave, they have NO idea what the real world actually may be.
To them, calling the shots that inflict pain on others is easier than directing a children’s cartoon.
Biden, and everyone surrounding him (ESPECIALLY obama) are cold, selfish, treasonous, ruthless, corrupt scumbags.
Biden has an extensive history of ignoring the lives of Americans in Uniform, remember Biden outed Seal Team 6 (Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. — in a pathetic attempt to spike the football and gloat — publicly revealed their central role in the raid.) Biden’s reckless actions — followed by President Obama’s own words acknowledging the secret unit’s operation — jeopardized their safety. All kind of scum bags bent on revenge and began an intense manhunt for Special Operators. None larger than Scumbag Biden.
Biden’s retreat and withdrawal from Afghanistan cost the lives of US military personnel and hundreds of Afghanistan civilians.
Saving a conservative who expressed his opinion in Ukraine was never a consideration by this arrogant, weak and heartless loser.
Biden has the blood of thousands on his hands, look at nearly a Million in Ukraine and thousands in the Middle East and $Billions of property damage in US Cities by ANTIFA and BLM. Countless families have and will continue to pay the high price of Biden’s Debt and Inflation.
Then the deaths and damage of 100s of thousands of US Citizens by the experimental, untested injections.
Thank God this government parasite, sucking the life blood of the United States, has been humiliated by the Democrat National Committee, Obama, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and his closest advisors.
May he have an unholy death as he lived an unholy life filled with death, betrayal and corruption.
Psychopaths. All of them.