Judicial Watch Names Clinton Aides To Be Deposed – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Names Clinton Aides To Be Deposed

hillary c univision debate

DougRoss: Eight present and past Department of State officials linked to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s private email scandal will be deposed by Judicial Watch in the non-profit government watchdog’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit if the federal judge hearing the case agrees.

Judicial Watch attorneys told U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Judge Emmet G. Sullivan Tuesday it wants to depose the following individuals and could complete the depositions within two months of beginning: MORE

5 Comments on Judicial Watch Names Clinton Aides To Be Deposed

  1. There’s only one person I really want to hear from and that is Patrick F. Kennedy . He is the most evil person in government outside of Obama. His only purpose in life is to destroy character, position, to support liars and cheaters and destroy anyone under his power. I’m looking forward to this one. And of course Huma, the Muslim brotherhood/sisterhood partner

  2. Rut oh, there are going to be a lot of people saying “I can’t recall” or “I plead the 5th” in the near future. I wonder who else will be offered immunity to spill the beans.

  3. The sheer number of people who have given depositions, pled the Fifth, testified under immunity, paid a fine, gone to jail or died as a result of of their involvement with Hillary’s conniving staggers the mind. They swarm around her like the flies on Obama’s face.

  4. “…like the flies around Obama’s face…” I vote that Thirdtwin wins the Internets today.

    I’ve always said that the fact that Obama never brushes flies off his face is because HE’S A KENYAN. Look at every bleeding heart infomercial begging money For The Children where it shows starving Africans and every damn one of ’em has flies swarming around their faces and they never lift a finger to brush ’em off.

    He was Born in Kenya, Raised in Kenya and that makes him Not An American. Never was, never will be. If they ever prove that Obama is Kenyan and therefore ineligible to have been President, does that nullify every piece of shit legislation and dictator executive order he’s ever signed?

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