Judicial Watch Nudges Media Toward “Better” Marco Rubio Scandal – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Nudges Media Toward “Better” Marco Rubio Scandal

Judicial Watch

…the credit card mess will seem like a walk in the park after your opponents—whether on the GOP side or Mrs. Clinton’s scorched-earth operatives—get to the case of your cocaine trafficking brother-in-law, Orlando Cicilia.

Cicilia did his time and has stayed out of trouble, remaining a treasured member of your family, but that doesn’t matter. Life is unfair. Somebody will drag it up and hang it around your neck.

For the media, it’s an irresistible story: Cicilia’s close association with cocaine kingpin Mario Tabraue—supposedly the model for Al Pacino’s Tony Montana in “Scarface”—and the disappearance of courthouse records when a Florida investigative reporter started looking into your connection to Cicilia.


“Somebody” will drag it up. Nudge.

ht/ just the tip


3 Comments on Judicial Watch Nudges Media Toward “Better” Marco Rubio Scandal

  1. They say the association between rubio’s family member and a drug kingpin doesn’t matter because he already spent 12 years in prison. (12 years does not reflect a simple user or penny ante drug dealer). Large quantities of Cocaine?

    Now the issue is the cover up of the relative’s parole hearings, whether rubio wrote on his relative’s behalf and whether the parole board was influenced to release his relative sooner than what he was sentenced?

    I suspect yes and yes. Political favors from parking tickets to early release is common.

    Coincidentally, all the records and documents were destroyed from the parole hearing 30 days after they were requested through FOIA. That happens politically as well. This action is directly from the Clinton political Play Book who have made it an art form..

    Appearance of impropriety? Yes.

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