Judicial Watch: ‘The FBI Needs to be Shut Down,’ Transferred to U.S. Marshals Service – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch: ‘The FBI Needs to be Shut Down,’ Transferred to U.S. Marshals Service

CNS: Noting some of the major blunders of the FBI, such as failing to follow protocols with the Florida school shooter and failing to follow leads on the Boston Marathon bombers, Judicial Watch’s Director of Investigations Chris Farrell said FBI Director Christopher Wray should be replaced and that the entire FBI should be restructured as a “new investigative arm of the U.S. Marshals Service.”

“People do need to go,” said Farrell on the Feb. 16 edition of Lou Dobbs Tonight.  “You can start with Director [Christopher] Wray.”

“Frankly, I would go back 200 years to the U.S. Marshals Service,” said Farrell, a former Military Intelligence officer and counterintelligence expert. “I would create a new division for investigations, and in about six to eight months I would shut the FBI down. Agents would be allowed to apply for, or laterally transfer to a new investigative arm of the U.S. Marshals Service and the FBI would cease to exist. That’s my idea.”   MORE

22 Comments on Judicial Watch: ‘The FBI Needs to be Shut Down,’ Transferred to U.S. Marshals Service

  1. The FBI and the DOJ have serious issues that need to be fixed not patched… more than likely they will tell the public they have be taken care of them, then redact the details of the fix when, if ever, it comes out. Yea, that will work for their trusting supporters.

  2. Major Mal Function- It’s a good idea but eventually even the smallest, sweetest little town would buckle under the weight of a scummy gubmint department. Some of those feds come into the job pre-crooked.

  3. 17 years ago the FBI was transformed into America’s Cheka/KGB. I believe that most, if not all, agents hired the last 16 years were committed to eradicating conservatives from America. I also believe that those in the FBI in ’01 who did not think persecuting conservatives was something the FBI should concentrate on, were asked to find employment elsewhere.

    IMHO in the last 16 years the FBI has been corrupted beyond repair. It has to be totally disbanded and destroyed. Their actions, or lack of said same, since ’01 show a disrespect for Americans other than progressives! They in fact, IMHO, are out to harm conservative Americans. Fire them all. Tear down the buildings!

    A simple transfer will not get the job done! Neither will a relocation. The people are bad (if you are a conservative; very good if you are a lefty!).

    To be clear. — ALL MUST GO!

  4. There were a couple of Books out in the early 90’s..One was called

    “Official and Confidential” and the other “Operation Swordfish”

    The first exposed the FBI’s habit of placing someone as the most

    wanted Man in America..After they had Him contained…Then publishing

    how fast they got Him.

    The latter talked about all of the Agencies ratf*cking each other

    over to get a bigger budget…I need to reread them.

  5. @an ol exJarhead February 22, 2018 at 5:00 pm

    > I also believe that those in the FBI in ’01 who did not think persecuting conservatives was something the FBI should concentrate on, were asked to find employment elsewhere.

    That’s a tad narrow minded.
    (It wasn’t just “conservatives.” Nor was it just the FBI.)

  6. Anony
    AGREED! The I in CIA has; at best been a bad joke, and more accurately a lie, since HST killed OSS to make CIA.

    When I was press. of my college Y.D’s a disgruntled (discharge “Other than…” not dishonorable) exJarhead killed America’s President. 2 days later (like FBI last week – are we seeing a pattern of slovenliness here?) CIA said, “we knew he was in USSR for 2 years at various Cheka “training facilities”; but BS, BS,BS…..!”

    Had Oswald been SERIOUSLY debriefed when he cam e back LBJ would never have been President IMHO.

  7. it’s not just the FBI, the whole federal system of ‘justice’ needs to be revamped
    impeach judges that legislate, instead of upholding the law
    require mandatory sentencing for firearm crimes
    build more prisons for law-breakers
    bring back the death penalty for murder, kidnapping & rape

    … & stop harassing citizens that have not committed crimes & re-commit to the Declaration of Independence! … without it, we are no different than any other nation on earth … & they, & we, are nothing more than authoritarian totalitarians

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