Judiciary Chairman Refers 2nd Fraudulent Kavanaugh Accuser for Prosecution – IOTW Report

Judiciary Chairman Refers 2nd Fraudulent Kavanaugh Accuser for Prosecution

CTH: Today Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley refers another fraudulent accuser of Justice Brett Kavanaugh for investigation and prosecution.  Accuser Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton was brought forth by Senator Kamala Harris, and now she admits it was entirely made up.  The accuser never even met Kavanaugh.

In his letter to the FBI and DOJ the chairman notes: “I am writing to refer Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton for investigation of potential violations of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1001 (materially false statements) and 1505 (obstruction), for materially false statements she made to the Committee during the course of the Committee’s investigation.”  more

10 Comments on Judiciary Chairman Refers 2nd Fraudulent Kavanaugh Accuser for Prosecution

  1. Damn….I thought Feinstein was the second fraudulent accuser…or was it Kamala Harris or was it Non-Vietnam combat veteran Dick…..maybe the dickster Durbin….don’t forget the Cory Bookmobile?….AH!….The whole democrat side of the Senate Judiciary committee is the second accuser. They only let Blasey Ford go first in line so she could test the ice cream…

  2. All three comments above are spot on. I would expect nothing less of IOTWReport people.

    Where is the AG now? This is not Mueller or Russia! This was a big set up by the entire Democrat half of the Senate Judiciary committee and everyone knows it. Everyone. Feinstein, everyone’s staff people, their crime of commission with the reporting media, their lawyers, the obama holdovers in the FBI and DoJ. Where are the referrals for each of them? Justice delayed (or never forthcoming) is justice denied. Justice denied is anarchy.

  3. Last week one of Limbaugh’s regular guest hosts (can’t remember who) talked about the extremism of most of the Democrat members of the Congress’ paid and intern staff; how the Democrat congress attracts incredibly ardent Leftist people, and how it is that contingent who are often leading the real charge under the protection of their elected bosses’ official clout — and very often without the full knowledge or understanding by their bosses. In other words, it is the staff — and not the official — who is running the show. Often the official has no idea what kind of agenda their senior staff people are running. They created this monster because of concepts like “plausible deniability” and the fact that congresspeople are just too busy fundraising to pay attention to anything else and let their staff craft legislation with their K Street experts.

    I think this is why whenever anything goes down from a legal standpoint it’s always the little fish “staffer” who gets the blame and sympathy — when in fact the little fish is not such a little fish after all. To be a trusted staffer in a federal official’s office is actually the acme of success for a Leftist activist.


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