Julian Assange Has Stroke While Awaiting Extradition – IOTW Report

Julian Assange Has Stroke While Awaiting Extradition

National File

Julian Assange had a stroke in Belmarsh Prison in the United Kingdom, and his fiancée, Stella Moris, suggested it was triggered by the stress generated by his ongoing time in jail.

Assange, the 50-year-old WikiLeaks founder, is being held at the maximum-security jail in London. Yesterday, the High Court ruled that Assange can be extradited to the United States to be tried for espionage.

This ruling had overturned a previous ruling by a lower court, saying Assange could not be extradited to the United States due to his mental health. More

13 Comments on Julian Assange Has Stroke While Awaiting Extradition

  1. I kind of sit on the fence about this guy. Yeah, he published government and military documents, but compared to the corruption and bullshit the liberals are flaunting in everyone’s face, it sorta pales in comparison. The government already said they want to kill this guy so either way, he’s on his way out.

  2. Look at the Jan. 6 prisoners, and look at Assange. Now, look at ghetto soldiers of the left terrorizing our nation. Look at Merrick Beria’s attacks on parents of school children being abused by their leftist ‘teachers’. Look at that psycho Fauci. Look at Chris Wallace leaving Fox to get his reward at CNN for helping to sabotage the 2020 election.
    We are at war with our government. Better face it now, or be enslaved later.

  3. Per his father:

    “So with the vaccines, he has been vaccinated of course. All of the prisoners in the jail are vaccinated, so he has no choice in this. He has no choice about anything.

    He has no control over his body.”

  4. @Anonymous December 12, 2021 at 2:36 pm

    > We are at war with our government.
    The United States is attacking Americans. Americans refuse to respond. Not “war”, as Americans have no country. Merely genocide.

    > Better face it now, or be enslaved later.
    Already enslaved. Better Haiti, tomorrow. Than Palestine, today.


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