June 8th – Comey Testifies – IOTW Report

June 8th – Comey Testifies


Former FBI Director Comey to testify before Congress on June 8


Just in-

NYDN – Democratic senators asked former FBI Director James Comey to investigate if U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions held another secret meeting with a Russian ambassador, according to a report.

Letters obtained by CNN Thursday showed Sens. Patrick Leahy and Al Franken asked Comey three times to dig into Sessions’ interactions with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

“We are concerned about Attorney General Sessions’ lack of candor to the committee and his failure thus far to accept responsibility for testimony that could be construed as perjury,” the senators wrote in an initial letter dated in March.

They would send another letter dated April 28, and yet another dated May 12 — just days after President Trump abruptly fired Comey.

Leahy and Franken both asked Sessions during his nomination hearing if he was in touch with any Russian officials during Trump’s campaign, and the Alabama senator denied any contact.

But the Washington Post reported in March that Sessions had spoken twice with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the campaign.

Sessions rescued himself from the investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia, but he resisted calls to resign over what appeared to be a mistruth in his hearing.

 CNN reported Wednesday that congressional investigators were working to determine if Sessions and Kislyak had a third meeting that had also not been disclosed.

In a joint statement on Thursday, Leahy and Franken said they worried Sessions “still not been forthcoming about the extent of his contacts with Russian officials.”

“We know he would not tolerate dishonesty if he were in our shoes. If it is determined that the attorney general still has not been truthful with Congress and the American people about his contacts with Russian officials during the campaign, he needs to resign.” the statement said.


10 Comments on June 8th – Comey Testifies

  1. So who “pressured” Comey the worst? Trump or Franken/Leahy?

    Maybe we need to investigate these Dem senators for trying to sway an investigation.

    “Pressure”… where is that illegal? I’m sick to FUCK of these morons drumming up dust about nothing, and sicker more of the morons who listen to them.

  2. I think they are scared shitless that Sessions remains as the AG so they are scattering as much crap out there hoping people will think where there is smoke there is fire. I hope Sessions stands firm and that Trump stands behind him. At some point Sessions will have to demand, in public, that Franken and Leahy produce the proof of their allegations or the actual reasons for their suspicions.

    The special counsel has to be quick and complete in his investigation to put this Russian conspiracy in the trashbin but I suspect the Dems will try to hinder and slow him down to hold this in the public eye as long as possible.

  3. ‘But the Washington Post reported in March’. Oh there’s a reliable report!

    This Russian witch hunt reminds me of the evangelist sex debacle, many years ago.

    Started out with finger pointing and righteous condemnation from other evangelists, when the scandal broke about, (dang, I can’t remember his name), but soon, the ones who yelled the loudest were proven to be just as bad and their sanctimonious houses came tumbling down for the same reasons.

    I suspect the congresspersons screaming like Chicken Littles, about “Russian” contacts/collusion/& etc. are probably trying to divert attention from their own culpability. Heck, the whole of congress seems to be a festering pus hole, where ethics are for the ‘little people’.

    I’m just so damn sick and tired of the multiple “investigations” wasting time. They won’t do the job we sent them to do. CAN THEM. LIMIT THEIR TERM. VOTE THEM OUT!!! One of the best things about President Trump; he isn’t one of the sit-on-their-posturing-ass politicians. He is proving an unknown CAN do the job. Get rid of the rhino do nothings.

  4. The Clintons and Podesta, for starters, are deeply in bed with Russian money (Uranium One deal, massive donations, Russian company board memberships, registered lobbyist, it’s endless). Classic misdirection/projection.
    Only Leftists could continue to be this unaware.

    When caught, the Dems will squeal “but
    Collusion is not illegal!”

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