Just a Quarter of Americans Would Vote for Obama Today – IOTW Report

Just a Quarter of Americans Would Vote for Obama Today

WHD- President Obama recently mused that he could probably win a third term because, in his opinion, he’s been a pretty darn good president.

Only, Americans beg to disagree. 

obama stupid has a president


18 Comments on Just a Quarter of Americans Would Vote for Obama Today

  1. Thanks to the DamBamboozler 49% of us are now dependent on the government in one way, shape or form. 25% sounds pretty small until you realize that many people just don’t vote which is why the defecRats want to flood the polls with illegals, criminals and voter fraud in order to overwhelm the other side. This is why it is crucial that every Republican of every flavor get out and particpate in the vote!

  2. doesn’t matter about majority vote, only matters if he gets the most electoral votes.

    If he has strategically placed enough illegals in key electoral vote states, and energizes the inner city ghetto vote fraud machine, and somehow changed the constitution so he can go for a 3rd term, then he would have no problem winning a 3rd term in spite of low majority opinion.

    Especially if Jebbers is his opponent. Because the drooling morons would stay home and …. rather than vote for someone they didn’t agree 100% with, leave the turd in office.

    Just like if Jebbers is the nominee, the drooling morons would stay home and LET HILLARY IN.

    Stupidity isn’t just the 25% who would vote for 0bama again, stupidity is the 50% of conservatives who would stay home and not vote for Jeb and let hillary in.

  3. Jeb would be bad. At the very best he would be …. not very good.

    Hillary would be FATAL. Don’t you get it? FATAL.

    IF you’re strong and healthy and young and you get pneumonia you can take a course of strong antibiotics and rest and you’ll be fine.

    If you’ve suffered from a serious disease for 8 years and have been under constant systemic attack, THEN get pneumonia, YOU’RE DEAD DEAD DEAD.

    Hillary is the pneumonia, the nation is the body that’s been infected for 8 years. 0bama is that infection. Jeb… Well, he ain’t strong antibiotics, maybe he would be like … .lousy generic antibiotics from a grungy mexican clinic.

    Not good, not the first choice, but better than BEING KILLED.

  4. When I went to grade school, one in four were paste and booger eaters, in high school, they were dope heads and dumb jocks. In college, they were Liberal Arts majors.
    Nice to see they are all grown up now.

  5. I get what you are saying, but what recently electing the republican majority in the house and senate and then they turn around and fully support the opposition?

    it’s called insanity to think that doing the same thing over and over again will result in a different outcome.

    voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.

    at some point it has to be our way or the highway.

    ole jeb is just not that into you and your problems.
    I don’t for the life of me see a difference between jeb or hillary except jeb looks better in drag.

  6. Those 25% are not fellow Americans. They are traitors who support a traitor. I have no respect at all for them. Fast and Furious, killing a US citizen without due process (yes he was a vile muslim scum, but he was killed by a drone strike while still a citizen), Iran deal, the misuse and abuse of the BLM, BATFE, IRS, EPA, DOJ, NSA, TSA and other agencies should all put him in jail until he expires.

    My advice, if you still think he is your savior, go to North Korea,

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