Just A Reminder, Birthing Person Day Is Tomorrow – IOTW Report

Just A Reminder, Birthing Person Day Is Tomorrow

The Daily Wire

During her testimony to the Democratic oversight committee, pro-choice Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) referred to women as “birthing people.” 

“Every day, Black birthing people and our babies die because our doctors don’t believe our pain. My children almost became a statistic. I almost became a statistic,” Rep. Bush tweeted, sharing a video of her testimony. More and Here

Jeff Charles at Red State took particular satirical note of this latest attempt to change our culture through loaded language. Here

9 Comments on Just A Reminder, Birthing Person Day Is Tomorrow

  1. June 19 would’ve been my birthing persons 96th birthday. Happy birthday mom, I’m glad you’re in a better place and didn’t live long enough to have to experience and see being called and denigrated as nothing but a birthing person. You birthed 4 great boys, thank you! The wokesters can all go unbirth (abort) themselves for all I care. And we the normal, sane people are the ones who are supposed to be crazy according to the progtards, not a chance in Hell.

  2. A question: Does Caitlyn Jenner get a Mothers day present?

    And if it does, does it get a Fathers day present as well?

    I guess the world’s just more confusing now than it was back when I was a youngster and thought I new something.

  3. I’ve never known another woman with more love, energy, intelligence, wit, business smarts, commitment, perseverance, moral certitude and ‘get it done’ attitude than my own Mom. When males have mothers like that, we grow up expecting women to measure up to that standard. The beauty of it is… they can… and do!

    She would have been 100 next month. 💓

  4. I am the father of 6 children.3 were born to us and 3 were adopted. My wife and I see no distinction among them. They are and have been our children My wife is their MOTHER. Happy Mothers Day to ALL mothers. Mothers are a gift from GOD!


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