Just as we said yesterday – NeverTrump sites had it wrong despite their breathless EXCLAMATION POINT Headlines – IOTW Report

Just as we said yesterday – NeverTrump sites had it wrong despite their breathless EXCLAMATION POINT Headlines

No Trump didn’t lie to the Mexican president about their being no discussion on the wall. Just as I explained yesterday, just because the Mexican president said, “we will not pay for the wall, ” it doesn’t mean there was a discussion.

Think, think retards, that’s all we ask before you knee-jerkingly take the stance against an America First candidate with your best interests at heart.

This is where we are now. We have a candidate looking out for America and there are right-wingers looking for any opening to bash the guy.

Why? So they can get a Hillary, a pol who is going to make their conservative world miserable? This is idiocy.

22 Comments on Just as we said yesterday – NeverTrump sites had it wrong despite their breathless EXCLAMATION POINT Headlines

  1. Over at Sweaty Toe’s site they actually have a post titled: “Trump’s Immigration Two-Step: From ‘Softening’ To Concentration Camps.”

    Are they fucking kidding?! Sorry to curse, but this is going beyond ridiculous. I listened to every word of his speech. This is bullshit.

    These people are becoming as demagogic and hysterical as Leftists. What the hell is wrong with these idiots?!

  2. They foresee their invested fortunes going down the sewer if NAFTA and the rest of the New World Order plot to have the USA controlled by the United Nations and Barky Poof Hussein gets stopped by Trump and those of us who love our country. Follow the money trail.

  3. These Tokyo Rose fake ‘conservatives’ have dropped their disguises and finally outed themselves over Trump.
    Not by choice but because Trump’s phenomenal unforeseen success has left them no other remaining option.

    It’s not Stockholm Syndrome.
    It’s not intellectual confusion.
    It’s not individual character defects, or timidity, or some personal excess of anachronistic gentlemanly Buckley/Will/Romney civility that somehow blinds them to the necessities of Total Civilizational War.

    All these types– Erickson and his ilk, and you can add however many other names you like– are not Weak Sisters, although that pose is one of their most durable disguises.
    They’re not well meaning, but somehow inexplicably, incurable confused.

    They are paid–well and lucratively rewarded–to play their assigned Kabuki roles. They’re here to ensure that the opposition to the globalist agenda never organizes effectively, never gets a clear clue, never rallies behind a Leader who will pose any serious challenge to The Agenda.

    They’ve been pretty effective for decades.
    Trump’s unexpected success has changed that. The old tactics have failed, one by one, and now they’ve being forced to abandon even the Weak Sister pose.

    Open anti-Trumpery is their desperate last option. Their covers are blown now.
    Their globalist sponsors will be recruiting and unveiling some new replacement RINO/cucksetvative media personalities, no matter what happens in November.

    Trump 2016.

  4. rufus has it right, the paid opposition is scared because the curtain has been drawn back on the whole democrat republican charade.
    the talking head commenters will not survive if the msm is discredited along with the fake opposition.
    the globalist divide and conquer conspiracy has been exposed.

    kabuki theatre.

  5. @ Loco

    In regards to using illegals to build the wall – that’s genius. But I have one question: Did you mean to hire illegals then not pay them, or did you mean to stack them up with mortar between them?

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