Just In – Russians Put Glue On Dems Seats and Prevented Them From Standing – IOTW Report

Just In – Russians Put Glue On Dems Seats and Prevented Them From Standing

Terrific comment by Bommer on Free Republic.

Tomorrow CNN will reveal that the Russians with the help of Trump, put Krazy glue on the Democraps seats which kept them from standing!



…there will be no “Democrat Blue Wave” come November, this year. You must really admit, The Kenyan, Muslim, America Hater, Obama did a magnificent job in undoing & destroying the entire Democrat Party.

I mean, come on, glum faced, speechless, Democrats, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, The “Kennedy Drooler” cheering on a massive crowd of about 100 deadbeats …

POTUS, Trump will wipe up the floor with these misfit Democrats, come the November, Mid-Term elections. Bottom line, game over for the entire Democrat Party.


by Reno89519

Been hunting around for Maxine Waters Democratic response that was supposed to be right after Trump. Apparently not. It is scheduled for 10 p.m. Eastern TOMORROW. Get she needs a bit of time to organize her thoughts. Wonder if a day will be enough?

30 Comments on Just In – Russians Put Glue On Dems Seats and Prevented Them From Standing

  1. “Stand up Chuck, let ’em see you. Oh, God love you. What am I talking about. I’ll tell you what, you’re making everybody else stand up, though, pal.”

    No, Joey. No, he’s not.

  2. DemocRATs Suck! As a matter of fact they just can’t suck enough!
    Last night’s childish display from these clownfarts demonstrated to anyone who cares about this country that democRATs absolutely couldn’t care less about making America great again. I felt like President Trump should have looked at them and said: “I have a feeling that the only thing you people will stand and applaud for is anything that weakens America like my predecessor did”

  3. Best SOTU ever. Best Trump appearance ever.
    Strong, dignified, “Presidential “, a true leader.

    CBS snap poll reporting 75% viewer approval. Which means it was actually 90%+.

    The MAGA movement will be a tsunami in November. The Dems have nothing, and no one.
    Everyone watching last night saw that PDT is a 2-term POTUS.
    Fauxcahantas and the other wannabes must at some point realize they can’t possibly run against him and win. I’m so proud.

    MAGA. #OurPresident.
    Thank you Lord for your mercy. Help us prove worthy.

  4. I have never seen a half a room full of angry, disrespectful, scowling bumps on a log than the left half of the chamber last night. Might as well have been glued to their seats but that would have prevented their stampede out at the end. Loved the Trump speech.

  5. I’m convinced Nancy had a zip lock bag of cat turds, and she popped them into her mouth whenever the camera wasn’t on her. The look on her face as The Man told the truth to the American people was priceless!

  6. @organgrinder

    You are right! They didn’t just remain seated, they were hunkering down, like either trying to hide, or avoid the incoming Trumpinator mortars. Some even looked like they were trying to hide behind each other. Lovely, lovely to see them so cowed.

    Nancy’s face was super. I love seeing that smug bitch feeling, what looked like fear or pain. Time for the pompous, aristocratic congessspesond to leave, the natives are in control.

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