Just Like Witches at Black Masses – IOTW Report

Just Like Witches at Black Masses


Vice President Kamala Harris has been “quietly forming a small, outside group of women allies to help amplify her role as the White House’s leading warrior” against Republican-led laws protecting unborn babies from abortion, Axios reported Saturday. 

The outlet, citing a “Democrat official familiar with the situation,” reported that Harris met with 14 women from across the abortion industry and other groups on Wednesday at the vice president’s residence. More

14 Comments on Just Like Witches at Black Masses

  1. …carry on with the Sabbath lyrics, they stay relevant…

    “Evil minds that plot destruction,
    Sorcerer of death’s construction”

    …seems as apt a description of the current illegitimate regime as any I’ve ever seen…

  2. Poor Kakamala. It must eat at her to know that at the age of almost 60 she’ll never again be pregnant, and will never be able to hold a public nationally televised satanic ritual child sacrifice.

  3. That 14 member wicked witches club, all bloodthirsty murderesses, will be giving Kamala the Cackle Award, given yearly to the best achievement in the Abortion Industry.

  4. This the same walking toxic workplace who sheds staffers like dandruff? The book of Exodus was written about her flunkies. “small outside group”…outside of what? Her reach? That would be the only way they deal with her.

    And Axios, if you’re blabbing about it, it ain’t being done “quietly”. You do realize that if this coven fails, and it will, you’ll get some of the blame for failing to help Kamala succeed in the Biden White House. The witches who were foolish enough to hitch their brooms to this black hole will get the rest.

  5. ” … her role as the White House’s leading warrior

    don’cha hate autospeel (yeah, I spelled it correctly!) … changing ‘whore’ to ‘warrior’

  6. “…defend the orphan…” Isaiah 1:17. That can be translated as “vindicate the fatherless”. Every unborn child is “fatherless” because the woman is the sole decision maker for that baby. God commands us to vindicate, protect, defend the unborn.

    This country is headed for a major, major reset at the hands of almighty God.

    16 ¶ “Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil,
    17 Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow.


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