Just Look What You’ve Done Trump Supporters – IOTW Report

Just Look What You’ve Done Trump Supporters

Poor Girl, she just wanted to tell people how great Bernie Sanders is.


Watch the entertaining sobfest—>






54 Comments on Just Look What You’ve Done Trump Supporters

  1. I don’t suppose it ever occurred to her that southerners feel strongly about illegal aliens because they have to deal with them directly every day. People who live in a liberal bubble have NO IDEA what’s going on.

  2. Her tears are my lifeblood.

    “I don’t know what qualifies you as white anymore”??? Ahh, that would be you’re white.

    “People are saying disgusting things” Like illegals need to be deported. Like you have a country or you don’t. EKK, that’s so disgusting!

    Oh man, election night is shaping up to be all timer.

  3. Sweety, get some help. Seriously, get some professional help. Your parents really have done you a great disservice, turning you into or allowing you to become a blithering idiot. Blinding yourself to life’s realities as you have apparently have, does not prepare you for the time real life comes to devour you. By the way, that will be the time to cry.

  4. Aw another proud member of the snowflake generation. The first generation in history that melts if they see or hear anything they disagree with. Lord help us, these idiots will be running the country some day.


    What is best in life? Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.

    BTW, couldn’t even watch half of snowflakes breakdown. Mountain Dew all over the monitor, and that stuff burns in your nose.

  6. Always tell the phone bank you’re voting for the other party. I’d tell her my vote is for Bernie because we need to take money at gun point from people who have it. Because taking things from legal citizens and padding the pockets of illegals is the right thing to do. There is no such thing as a human animal and climate change is real. There, see, it’s not so hard. 🙂 Wait, I’m crying a little bit.

  7. “This is like …. Chelsie. And I was like …. you know …. calling a phone bank. And like, those people, are like …. so RUDE. They called me animal names, But then they like described the animals they were, and like … what they’d like to do to me, and I was like …. kinda turned on … like”

  8. LMAO!!!!
    I couldn’t even make it to the end of the vid because I was laughing so hard at the comments that I hadn’t even read yet.

    Look bitch…you are nothing but dis-organized grab-ass-tick amphibian shit!

    Please cut your head off and let us watch.

  9. Thank you, little missy, for providing yet another example of why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

    Or speak.

    Or own property.

    Or leave the house.

    Or wear clothing.

    Ok, you caught me. I’m actually a Ferengi.

    I keed, I keed. Seriously though, I notice toward the end she talks about calling the “Southern States” and throws in a non-sequiter about how “those people think they won the Civil War” or some such idiocy.

    Um, sweet little airhead…you were talking to, as you repeatedly mentioned, Republicans.

    The Republicans *DID* win the civil war. And have spent the 150+ years since trying to free blacks from Democrat policies.

  10. She’s probably a Professor at a major eastern University or, at the very least, a High School Teacher.

    Could be a union organizer or Community organizer.

    At any rate, a rubber band would keep her hair out of her face long enough to complete that maundering soliloquy.

  11. I wanted to lick her face – in a non-sexual way.

    Since I couldn’t do that, I did the next best thing.

    I put my monitor over my coffee maker and caught her tears.

    No sweetener needed for that brew.

  12. SICK!
    “referring to people as ANIMALS”


    ” ‘Build the wall…Mexicans’ hearing that for hours was horrible…”

    “There were very few Republicans without something horrible to say about Bernie or Hillary…”
    You mean…like KILLBUSH, BushHitler, and such?

    “People are actually saying disgusting thin like this…and it’s real.”
    No sh!t, b!tch…ever hear Democrats talk about US?!?”

    “It’s like talking to LESS THAN talking to a brick wall.”
    OH WOW YOU FUCKING CUNT…I never knew a “brick wall” was MORE OF A HUMAN than a Trump supporter…please remember your first few comments about US…not that you have the memory capacity of more than a few seconds or so…but TRY, WILL YA B!TCH?!?

  13. I’m wondering if they gave her a phone list of undecideds and she spent hours talking to people who use to lean Dem but are in full blown revolt against them.

    I believe Trump has the potential to peal off a great many Dem voters and former union members.

  14. Dr. Tar — I thought of it this way: I’m a registered Dem, I have a choice between 8 more years of obama (Klinton) or I have at least 4 years of full-blown socialism (but it’s really communism). A gal calls me up from the sanders camp. Oh, and I’m not on welfare and my job just went to Mexico.

    I know who I’d be voting for.

    I couldn’t make it through the first minute. I’ve got no sympathy for whining. None.

  15. Like, um, like um what like drugs like is she on like? Does she have Saint Vitus Dance or Kasich Twitch?
    Bizarre, just bizarre.

    She lives in a 100% white gated community with mommy and daddy. They named her after the Clinton spawn. She’s never met a Muslim. She attends private 100% white school and is interested in Wellesley. Tofu is a food to her. She eats carob. She simply adores Rachel Madcrunt.

  16. I’m smart and even watching half of her video and my IQ dropped a few points.

    Thank you Chelsea for showing us why ALL Bernie Sanders supporters should be sterilized and exiled.

    If you support socialism or communism you are not a fellow American. They are not compatible with the Constitution. Go to some islamic or socialist hellhole and get out of my country.

  17. She’s either premenstrual or hasn’t had her parking place filled in a long while. I know – I get that way almost every 28 or so.

    Now, may I please have my four minutes back?

  18. Someone above suggested this was an act.
    I agree, and a poor one at that.
    Watch her during the last few seconds, and she completely regains her composure and smiles like nothing happened. If someone was truly as upset as she seemed to be less than thirty seconds earlier there is no way they could change there emotional state that quickly.

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