Justice Roberts Confirms Name of Whistleblower – It’s Eric Ciaramella – IOTW Report

Justice Roberts Confirms Name of Whistleblower – It’s Eric Ciaramella

Rand Paul submitted a question to be read at the impeachment trial. Roberts refused to ask the question because it would out the whistleblower. (Roberts knows the name of the whistleblower, but Adam Schiff doesn’t?Yeah, right.)

Rand Paul released the question for everyone to see-

To the Manager Schiff and counsel for the President:

Manager Schiff and Counsel for the President, are you aware that House Intelligence Committee staffer Shawn Misko had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella when at the National Security Council together, and are you aware and how do you respond to reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the President before there were formal House impeachment proceedings?

So, simple extrapolation tells you the whistleblower’s name.

13 Comments on Justice Roberts Confirms Name of Whistleblower – It’s Eric Ciaramella

  1. So you’re saying Eric Ciaramella is the alleged whistleblower? THE Eric Ciaramella? I find it hard to believe that Eric Ciaramella, the former Biden aide who is butt buddies with a staffer Schiff hired after he met with him to discuss how to best draft his complaint and is the reason why Schiff doesn’t want to lie under oath about his quid pro quo, is indeed the blower of whistles? Skinflutist? Yes. Amateur trouser snakecharmer? Certainly. Whistles? Eh.

    Because using that staffer as a pass through to fund Eric Ciaramella to whistleblow might seem more ethical than just hiring a whistleblower directly which Republians would pounce on because of how partisan they are.

    Thank Gaia that Justice Souter Jr. is overseeing this trial to make sure Eric Ciaramella’s plan to overthrow the US government never comes to light.

  2. I reckon Admiral Ackbar wasn’t in the Senate chambers to yell out “IT’S A TRAP!” to SCOTUS Roberts and the dumb pettifogging shit fell for Sen Rand Paul’s trap, thus PROVING that Democrat activist Ciaramella is the whistleblower.

  3. But Schiffy doesn’t know who the whistleblower is! As a matter of fact, he met up with the whistleblower on a mountainside, under cover of night, inside a tent, and spoke through morse code. Why they used their dicks to tap out messages is another matter entirely, but hey, he doesn’t know who was blowing his whistle. Uh, THE whistle. The.. whistle… Nope.

  4. A liberal GOP friend told me 14 years ago that the leftist President was sneaking one by the dems in the senate with Roberts who only had 2 appellate rulings.
    I told him BHO’s teacher was sneaking 1 all right. 1 against conservatives. of Roberts 2 rulings 1 was middle of the road. The other was far left “the Constitution was written by Christians, Christians are bad so the Constitution is bad and should be ignored!” I remember not the specifics but it had to do with what Bible Thumpers call a crime. It happened at a railroad station – either the “L” u\in ChiTown or the sub in NY.
    I told him Roberts may not be a leftist, but he clearly is not conservative.

    14 years later I will change my statement. ROBERTS IS A LEFTIST! He has had almost 300% more leftist ruling than Earl had 60 years ago! By far the most liberal Court in my life – over 70 years.


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