Justified Police Shooting, or Not? – IOTW Report

Justified Police Shooting, or Not?

70 Comments on Justified Police Shooting, or Not?

  1. I’m sure the race hustlin’ maggots jackson and that other shifty nigga will be organizing marches because he was a good boy trying to get his life together taking night courses at the community college so he can support his 15 kids by 14 different ho’s.

  2. Not justified. Putting his hand on the raising power window was stupid. Stepping onto the running board as the vehicle started moving was stupid and unnecessary. Shooting the driver was stupid and unnecessary and criminal.

  3. Uncle Albert,
    The question we need to ask now days, was the officers life in danger at any point in time? NO!!
    Not justified.
    LEO, are now, and have been for a while, judged as you would a CCW.
    I’m not totally sure if that’s good or bad, but it is reality.

  4. For all we know a high speed pursuit and an innocent person could have been killed by the runaway thugs.

    The thug stated to drive away, that is danger on 4 wheels warped around tones of steel.

  5. @Bad_Brad – You’re quite right about that enforcer’s life not being in danger. My comment would have been better if I’d made that point explicitly. Bottom line’s still the same though: bad shoot.

    p.s. I’m assuming that by “Uncle Albert” you mean me, but I could be wrong. The “Al” in Uncle Al is short for “Alan” but if it pleases you to call me Albert I don’t mind. I just want to be sure you’re talking to me and not some other character! (-:

  6. Dang, so who wants to be a LEO in this day and age?
    Well, maybe it won’t be too bad since soon LEO’s will only be allowed to pull over old white women who are sipping water from plastic straws.

  7. The driver of the SUV was a dirt bag, but the officer was an idiot for putting his hand on the window like that. It seems to me the officer did that to set up an alibi for shooting the guy if he fled. Even dirt bags don’t deserve to die for simply fleeing. Too many cops think that they have the right to kill people for not immediately complying with their orders. Too many people excuse cops for such action. They could have caught up with the guy later and arrested him for fleeing. The guy shouldn’t have fled, but he didn’t deserve to die for doing so. The cop wasn’t in danger other than the fact that he held on and used that as an excuse to shoot. The cop was wrong. The cop should pay for his actions. The threshold for a cop to shoot someone shouldn’t be set that low.

  8. Uncle Alan it is. LOL.
    I was definitely thinking Beetles. I hated them when I was younger and now love them. I really hated Joe Cocker when I was younger and now can’t get enough of him. Same with Janice Joplin. WTF is wrong with me?

  9. What does it make a difference or not if the officer’s life was in danger? He suspected something suspicious with the occupants and wanted to investigate further. When the occupants refused to cooperate with that investigation, that’s when the officer rightfully assumed they were a danger to society. The officer ultimately had his life put in danger when the driver fled from the investigation. Outstanding police work in order to serve and protect.

  10. ecp

    I see both sides. I have a lot of LEO friends. And I’ll tell you right now one on one their cool. Three or more together at the same time and they sound like God Damn Nazis.
    Because your having a bad day, doesn’t mean you should be removed from earth. Policies need to be reviewed.

  11. The cop sounded like an ass before the windows went up. Talking like he’s the white shadow pothead whisperer. I think O-Shae or whatever decided he was a pushover instead of trigger-happy. Also, the idiot cop shouldn’t have said anything about a search until his partner was available.

  12. I much preferred the old days when beat cops would spot trouble makers, catch them alone and tune their asses up. Things were much better back then. Much better justice.

  13. In the future, going forward, SOP should be license, proof of insurance and give me the keys until I finish my check. Also, if possible, have a portable, easy to deploy spike strip because if you watch a channel like Colin Flaherty’s on Minds, you see stuff like this a lot.

  14. ChristianPDX

    We are probably two years away from LEO electronically disabling new vehicles so they won’t run. By new I mean 2010 and newer. A good reason not to buy a new car.

  15. I’ve been looking to buy a 1995, or so, suburban for that very reason. I need to check, but someone told me that after that, enough electronics have gone into every vehicle it’s easy to track and mess with. Beats me if it’s true, but I’m looking anyway.

  16. Gotta disagree with the crowd here. If a person is pulled over in a stop they should follow the officers commands. Since when has that become negotiable? It’s a very stressful situation to begin with and when you have a couple of obvious thugs that amps it up considerably.
    As mentioned, a high speed chase could have easily ended in some innocent persons death and that alone justifies the shooting in my mind not to mention the fact he was armed.
    I was troubled by how apologetic sounding the cop was in explaining why they were pulled over {that shows me just how beaten down the police are becoming, especially when blacks are involved}. Point out to me where there is any indication that the cop is being bigoted or overly aggressive toward the two people.
    If every cop has to walk on eggshells during a traffic stop in order to avoid offending a black driver we’ll never get back control of the streets.
    Obey police commands or there could be dire consequences, it’s not a game and it’s not optional.

  17. A cop told me that when pulled over you are “technically under arrest” thus: your constitutional protections are “out the window” until some judge intervenes.

    I don’t know if that is a fact, but I know that’s how that cop proceeded.

    “Don’t start no shit; won’t be no shit.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  18. Did they stop the guy for driving too slow? The cop sounded like a total dumb ass which he proved by his actions. On the other hand it looks like the driver’s karma caught up with him. It is cosmic justice that assholes screw each other over.

  19. Organgrinder, it’s not for the cop to decide if he lives or dies. He was smoking weed. Not really a capital offense. An officer should only use deadly force when the officer’s life is in danger. The dude running did not put his life in imminent danger. He was trying to flee from the police. A crime, but there are already legal punishments on the books for that crime. Death by firing squad is not one of them. He should have followed them, arrested them, and been done. Instead, the two dudes are dead and his live is ruined.
    I understand that cops are in a bad place when dealing with black people. But let’s be clear, cops are not justified in shooting someone just because they flee the scene. We need to make sure that our support of law inforcement does not becomes blind.

  20. Tim, the cop who told you that “you’re technically under arrest when you get pulled over” needs to be looking for a new job. The reason we have constitutional protections is to restrain the government from doing exactly what that cop said. You are NOT under arrest when you get pulled over. Any cop who says otherwise is an ignorant puke who needs to lose his job. Dude should be flipping burgers at McDonald’s.

  21. I’m with Organgrinder. Perhaps the cop should not have placed his arm on the window, stood on the running board, but dragging a cop away from a “scene” is life threatening. The only way to stop the jerk was to kill him. Good riddance.
    …..Lady in Red
    PS: I often imagine in situations like this that the creep’s mother hated the bastard, also, but, now that he’s dead she hopes to win the lottery — big time — and retire. The bum might not have been worth much in life, but, ah…. ….in death, he’s worth a bundle!

  22. Every one of you who think a cop is justified in killing another human being for bolting should be ashamed. Some of you have said that the guy “could have” caused innocent people to die later in a chase. So, that’s where we’ve come? If a cop thinks that you could be a danger to someone else later, he can blast away. Nobody, but nobody, hates dirty-assed criminal thugs more than me, but a cop smelling marijuana shouldn’t mean a death sentence for someone and if you think you think the cop did society a favor by blasting away when the guy fled, you’re wrong, because you know and I know the stupid-assed cop held on to the car so he’d have an excuse to shoot. I support law enforcement, but I don’t want them to be the ones who decide if people should live or die based on what they think they might do when fleeing or because they later claim that they ‘felt” their lives were in peril. Hell, they already knew who the guy was and where he lived based on the license plate. Watch YouTube a while and you can see that far too many cops behave like Nazis when they don’t need to. In Houston, an off duty cop was recently sent to prison for tackling and guy in a store parking lot and strangling him to death for peeing. You people who want to give the average cop the power to kill people for virtually any reason worry me. You don’t belong in a civil society.

  23. Hambone….. That cop could have been killed — easily — thrown off the car in high speed traffic.

    Would that have been a mere “unfortunate accident,” not the responsibility of “the fleeing citizen?” ….Lady in Red

  24. Mohammed’s pink swastika,
    No argument from me.
    But dead is dead, regardless of what happens to the asshole (cop) afterwards.
    Cop may be wrong, but he (the driver) is still dead.

    How badly do you want the “last laugh?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  25. Lady In Red! The cop put himself in danger by jumping onto the car and holding on. The guy in the car didn’t try to mow him down. It was a foolish thing to do because he knew or suspected the guy was going to take off. Aiming your moving car at a cop with the intent to rum him down is grounds for being shot at, but attempting to flee is not reason enough to be killed in a hail of bullets. Jesus, some of the people on this thread think it’s alright for a cop to kill someone if they don’t respond to their commands fast enough. I saw a video where a cop pulled an old man over for a burned out tail light and the old man got out and retrieved his cane from the back of his pick-up. The cop started blazing away at the old man and hit him several times because he “thought he was reaching for a gun”. The cop was extremely remorseful and immediately knew he had screwed up. I’m not trying to excuse the guy in the car for trying to flee. I’m saying that I think the cop was foolish for jumping onto the car and holding on. I think he did that to create the reason he needed to shoot the guy. He could have jumped off the instant the car began to move. They didn’t even need to pursue the guy because they knew who he was and could have gotten him later at home or work. Using your logic, a cop who forcefully enters the wrong home to execute a warrant would be justified shooting an innocent person because he ran away from the cop even though it was out of fear and fleeing is a natural reaction in a situation like that. It happens all the time. The cop tries to justify shooting even an innocent person claiming they might have been running to retrieve a gun. Any cop stupid enough to jump onto a car that is fleeing or about to flee shouldn’t be a cop. Just because someone panics, whether they are innocent or not, they should not be executed at the will of a cop who may or may not be a reasonable person. Like I said, I support law enforcement, but there are too many cops who lack the maturity and reason and disposition to have that much authority. The evidence for that fact is abundant. To give cops some sort of super status and protect them from their own actions because they are “blue” is just as bad as negatively judging people for being black or white or Jewish or conservative. Bad people need to taken off the streets and that includes bad cops.

  26. Decisions made in a split second can have devastating consequences.

    Let the people of that community judge him based on details offered in a court setting. Let’s not be so quick to demonize someone in the court of public opinion…..

  27. Well, Hambone…. …..you’re a better man than I am, I guess, and I’m glad you have everything figured out.

    I figure a bit differently — and I would NOT want you on my jury.
    ….Lady in Red

  28. So all I would need to do is walk/run/drive away from tha law regardless of why I was being told to halt and I deserve to be fine?, thanks but I was not born yesterday

  29. Lady In Red! What part of “I don’t want BAD cops on the street” do you have a problem with? Do you want bad cops on the street? Are you saying there are no bad cops? Are you a bad cop? Why would me being on your jury give you angst? Would you be willing to kill a man for simply fleeing? Would you try to convince the jury you “feared for your life”? Do you think they should believe you simply because you were a cop? My point all along is that I don’t want crooked-assed, trigger happy cops on the street any more than I want low life thugs on the street. I don’t see any difference in either of them.

  30. Hambone….. I most certainly do not want “bad cops.” I am not convinced the cop is this exercise is “bad.” You, on the other hand, have convicted him.

    I tend not to like people who think as you do. ….Lady in Red

  31. Lady In Red I appreciate that you don’t want bad cops on the street, either. We were asked to give an opinion if this was a “good shooting” based on the video only and apparently I see things differently than you. I stand by my thoughts that the cop stupidly hung on to the car and escalated the situation. I haven’t convicted anyone simply by having an opinion. The cop, however, convicted, sentenced and executed someone for trying to flee. I don’t think a jury will buy the story about him fearing for his life. He wasn’t being dragged. He was going along for the ride on his own free will and there is a big difference when you’re on trial for shooting someone. I tend not to like people who are too ready to believe what every cops says just because they are a cop because cops are flawed people, too. Let’s try to follow what happens in this case and hope that justice is done.

  32. @ hambone –

    All hail to the perfect outcome of 20/20 hindsight.

    What part of ‘stopped by cops…dont drive away’ do you not or refuse to understand??

    PS…he didn’t murder.

  33. Hambone….. *If* — accidentally — you happen to be hanging onto a car which has decided to go from zero to sixty as fast as possible — into dense traffic, is it a good idea to just let go?

    I would guess that letting go might have a high risk of death. But, I don’t know. *I* would be scared to just drop off, but, then, I’m not a cop….
    …Lady in Red

  34. I’m not sure what accidentally hanging on to a car means. You’ve either decided to hang on or not. It didn’t seem to me from watching the video that the car was going very fast and I wouldn’t exactly call that heavy traffic. Mr. .45-70 says that I wasn’t there so I shouldn’t make assumptions. He wasn’t there either, but he is quick to say the cop did nothing wrong. Funny how that works. I am just old fashioned I guess in thinking that simply driving away from a cop is not enough reason to be killed. Of course you shouldn’t drive away from the cops if you’ve been pulled over but a cop shouldn’t be able to kill you for it. Anyway, we were asked to opine based on what we saw in the video and that’s what I did. If I saw where the guy was trying to shoot the cop then I say blaze away, but that’s not what I saw. I would never second guess a cop for the justified killing of someone, but neither will I excuse a cop who shoots someone unjustifiably. We can’t have that in a civil society. Oh, .45-70, you weren’t there either so why are you saying the cop didn’t murder the guy. Let’s let the real jury decide that.

  35. Hambone –

    Yes….i was not there….and I’m not a LEO. Dont know any either, except I really lust for the sheriffs wife. (never mind).

    I worked for years in a position that was always 2nd guessed. And the people judging me were not able to be in the arena that i was in.

    You come up with scenarios that are imagined and then pass your judgement on what should’ve been done. 20/20 hindsight is a wonderful thing. It allows one to feel perfect in all ways.

    Today’s LEO’s are faced with situations unheard of before. Just a routine traffic stop can get them killed.

    Once the driver starts to disobey….all ‘rules’ are off.

    I wouldn’t be a LEO for that very reason. Judging me without the experience or ability to do what I’m asked.

  36. Look, I didn’t intend to trigger those of you who disagree with me. We were all asked to offer up an opinion about what we saw in the short video. There are bound to be differences of opinion about it. The theory that .45-70 has that “once the driver starts to disobey….all rules are off” is dangerous. Is that really what you think? All rules? Really? So, what you are saying is that if a driver or someone walking down the street is stopped by a cop that the behavior of the cop is no longer governed by any rules if the cop deems that his requests are not being followed to his liking or not as quickly as he would like. (I refer to the statement: “once the driver starts to disobey…all rules are off”) Is that really what you are saying? Lord help us all if it is. There are plenty of occupations that are stressful and being a cop certainly qualifies as one, but that doesn’t give cops the right to be exempt from rules of accepted behavior in society. Someone attempting to shoot at a cop or attacking one is providing just cause for the cop to use deadly force. Someone being difficult or sassing a cop or someone who “starts to disobey” should not be subject to the death penalty meaded out at the hands of a cop who may be having a bad day. We as a civil society cannot allow cops to get it in their heads that there is ever a time that they are beyond the rules. Anyone who thinks that someone who is being questioned by a cop and bolts deserves being shot in the back isn’t a decent human being. Were not going to clean our society up being like that. We must be better than the criminals or we’ll be just like them.

  37. Been watching this thread evolve. You can read my shit above. Gotta say Hambone is on the money. Especially if you meet some of the new LEO. I have two friends that are POST certified trainers. They’re both quiting. One of the is an ex marine instructor too. A very animated dude. He absolutely had me in tears laughing about what he faces with new LEO. And just like that, i read this story and it’s no longer funny.

  38. Hambone,

    This went from just a pot stop the very second the thug turned on the engine. At that very second that the thug fired up the engine he was saying “I reject all norms and mores, I will do whatever I can to defy your authority, I will drive at whatever speed, blow through whatever lights or stop signs because FUCK YOU and anyone in my way” at that very second the thug put upon himself a neon sign that said “I’m a rabid dog that needs to be removed from society post hast, the only question is are we going to do this the hard way or the easy way”. His parents should be charged the cost of the bullet for letting their child go feral.

    The thug turned the engine on, that was his choice the leo was responding to that choice.

    I’m glad an LEO stopped it before anyone innocent got hurt. That’s me. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

    This hind sight could go the other way. The let it go to a high speed chase, then an innocent gets murdered, then you have that family asking why oh why didn’t the LEO stop this when-he-had-the-chance. I’d rather a the thugs family mourn than let’s day your or mine family mourn because a thug blew through a 4 way and crushed my daughters or your moms car.

    I have zero sympathy for law breakers. I’d piss on that dudes corpse if given the chance. Had he not turned the key he would be alive facing weapons and pot violations meaning he’d be home the next day. He made the choice, he gambled and he lost. No innocents were hurt. Give the Leo a bonus and call it a day.

    Are there dad cops? Yes and when you cross paths with them day “yes sir, no sir, may I have your badge number? And when the guy with the gun is gone call your lawyer. That is the advice I gave my boys I taught in high school.

    Rule of thumb, the Leo is paid to deal with people on a one on one basis that us regular types want in prison. The deal with scary people. They don’t know if in a scary person or not. I understand this. When I get pulled over I act as if a BOLO had just gone out for someone who looks just like me. I keep my hands where they can be seen at all times. I understand that the Leo just wants to do his job and go home at the end of the shift. It’s not rocket science and that is why mr. Thug got what he asked for as in Mr. Thug asked for this to go to the next level when he turned that key.

  39. Hambone,

    You: Someone being difficult or sassing a cop or someone who “starts to disobey” should not be subject to the death penalty meaded out at the hands of a cop who may be having a bad day.

    Me: 100% agree. Turning the key to an engine is not that. It is taking the whole situation to a whole other level. A level where people can die. The Fast and the Furious is a movie as is Grand Theft Auto is a game. Mr. Thug deciding to make a break for it has real life consequences. I’d rather it end before it starts thank you very much.

    You: We as a civil society cannot allow cops to get it in their heads that there is ever a time that they are beyond the rules.
    Me: 100% agreed

    You: Anyone who thinks that someone who is being questioned by a cop and bolts deserves being shot in the back isn’t a decent human being.
    Me: agreed- 100%, period. Full stop. For clarity’s sake this thug in question was not running on his feet. He was about to run in a 4 wheeled metal encased death machine. See a difference there? I do and that is the point I am making.

    You: Were not going to clean our society up being like that. We must be better than the criminals or we’ll be just like them.
    Me: Society will not ever get clean as long as we, as a nation, wring our hands every time a thug makes a thuggish choice and reaps the consequences. If you don’t like the way the LEO in question does his job then join the force and lead by example as to how these matters should be dealt with properly. My only concern is innocent life. The Thug turned the key and by any standard of common sense told the world “I won’t let innocent life get in my way to elude you cops”.

    There was a time in my life when I wanted to be a cop but I asked myself “what would I do if you came across an abused child and the abuser was there, caught red-handed and I have a gun on my hip?” The answer was “They will put me in prison for doing the right thing. Notice “the right thing” and the “legal thing” are not always the same thing. All of this to say Cops can’t be Judge jury and executioner. But Cops are allowed to respond to danger. A thug turns the key is clear and present danger.

    When the man turns the key to flee he becomes not only a menace to society he becomes the captain of a potential fuel injected murder machine. That is reality. This cop in question gets a bonus check for keeping the insurance rates low by preventing lots of damage and a cold beer for ensuring no innocent life’s were lost or maimed that day.

    To be clear- you can yell, scream, insult a LOE all you want. Sticks and stones. You can’t take a swing at them, pull a knife, draw a gun or, for that matter, turn the engine on. Why? Because turning the engine on is like drawing a gun or pulling a knife. Do you think the cop has to wait for the thug to actually pull the trigger or stab the cop before he can respond? After all how many suicide by cops could be spared if we just required the Cops to wait for the thug to shoot to know that 1. the object is actually a gun 2. the gun is actually loaded and 3. the thug in question is not bluffing and just wants to die by the hand of a cop.

    If one pulls a knife, draws a gun, make a sudden movement to grab a ____ (cane, wallet that has your CC permit or whatever) or turn the engine on the Cops get the benefit of the doubt. IF one is too stupid, high or privileged to not realize these simple facts of life then I’m not going to cry at news of their death.

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