Kabul Drone Strike On Suicide Bombers Actually Took Out Aid Worker And Family Members – IOTW Report

Kabul Drone Strike On Suicide Bombers Actually Took Out Aid Worker And Family Members

Fox News

The U.S. government’s account of a drone strike launched against a suspected terrorist in Afghanistan toward the end of the military withdrawal from Kabul is being challenged by a report suggesting the victim was not a threat to the United States. 

According to a New York Times report, the drone attack that American officials said killed an ISIS terrorist carrying a bomb in a car toward U.S. troops may have killed a man with no ties to ISIS and who was carrying water to family members. More

11 Comments on Kabul Drone Strike On Suicide Bombers Actually Took Out Aid Worker And Family Members

  1. It really must kill the editorial board of the NY Times when they are forced report news antithetical to the bullet points the WH provides for them every morning. Somebody might up and label them a real newspaper.

  2. Refuse to fire on a terrorist heading to blow up a check-point, but vaporize a civilian and his entire family unloading groceries. Yeah, that sounds about right for Joe.

  3. Nothing surprises me about progs. Anything they can exploit to advance their narrative or agenda is a potential target and considered collateral damage and fair game in their war on The Good.


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