Kagan Warns SCOTUS Loses Legitimacy If It Strays From “Public Sentiment” – IOTW Report

Kagan Warns SCOTUS Loses Legitimacy If It Strays From “Public Sentiment”

Washington Examiner

The Supreme Court may lose its legitimacy if it strays too far from public sentiment, according to Justice Elena Kagan.

Kagan, a liberal judge appointed to the court in 2010 by former President Barack Obama, tied the standing of the court to its “connection to the public,” noting it could be dangerous if people continue to view Supreme Court justices as increasingly partisan, likely an allusion to the recent contentious court term that saw the overturning of Roe v. Wade and an expansion of gun rights. More

29 Comments on Kagan Warns SCOTUS Loses Legitimacy If It Strays From “Public Sentiment”

  1. “The Supreme Court may lose its legitimacy if it strays too far from public sentiment”

    More of that “living document” crap, promoting the interpretation of The Constitution through the lens of culture and the norms of the day.

    Sorry, but was not the intention of the designers or the precedent of its application throughout history. You don’t get to make up bullshit penumbras through emanations, if the powers under review are not specifically identified in The Constitution, then it is reserved for the states. If you don’t like it, change it thru the amendment process.

  2. When I went thru Civics (yes, that was actually taught when I went to school), we learned that The Supreme Court of These United States evaluated constitutionality of the issues brought before them.

  3. Like old Fat Ass Kagan has not been a partisan hack since she was planted on the Supreme Court by the Democrat (Satanist) Party with no understanding and or love for the country or the Constitution!!!!!!!

  4. As if the Supreme Court hasnt been doing exactly that for 60 years prior, Kagan. Remember how popular Mapp v Ohio (school prayer) What about Roe v Wade when it came out. How about the flag burning case, or all those expansions of criminals rights?

  5. To me, our biggest challenge is dealing with ASSHOLES that are unable to do simple math, read an analog clock, decipher cursive writing, understand where government handouts come from, know what a ‘female’ is, understand when ‘life’ begins, know what ‘DO NOT INFRINGE’ means, what ‘freedom of speech’ means, unfortunately, the list is endless.

  6. Maybe we could cause her thinking (so to speak) to go into an infinite loop, and she’d just sit there staring into space and drooling, by telling her that it is public sentiment that SCOTUS should not cave in to public sentiment.

  7. This is what you get when you base your SCOTUS selection based on affirmative action rather than qualifications or experience. But hey, they got their wise lesbian.

  8. The SCROTUS has no lodestone but the Constitution.

    Kagan[ovich] is a filthy piece of shit whose demented partisan mewlings should be ignored.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. So says the least legitimate SCOTUS.
    The Constitution is was and always will be the last word, shit-for-brains, not public sentiment.
    The public as a whole are bigger morons than kagen.

  10. Judicial legitimacy has been a “thing” for about as long as our country has been around. That is why the Supreme Court will refuse to hear many cases. That is what has driven the behavior of our idiot Chief Justice, whose understanding of popular sentiment is based on cocktail party chatter and traditional political punditry.

    It is ironic that a major violator of that sentiment is now cackling about it. The libs have, for decades now, packed the courts with judges who have been legislating from the bench, in direct and open opposition to the will of We the People. Now, because they have lost a few major decisions, they are more than willing to blow up a Supreme Court that is finally reflective of public sentiment.

  11. Hmm… people suggest Kagan is a queer. Is she? Certainly she has the looks for it. She certainly doesn’t have any comprehension of what the Supreme Court or the constitution are for. That would be typical affirmative action education, employment and elevation to the court in action.

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