Kamala Harris Campaign Team Mimics The Tweet That Came Back To Bite Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Campaign Team Mimics The Tweet That Came Back To Bite Hillary Clinton

Daily Caller: Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris’ campaign team tweeted a photo almost exactly like the one that blew up in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s face in 2016.

Team Kamala (@kamalaHQ) tweeted a photo of Harris as a young girl in celebration of the 2020 presidential hopeful’s birthday Sunday. The caption read, “Our next president. #HappyBirthdayKamala.” more here

14 Comments on Kamala Harris Campaign Team Mimics The Tweet That Came Back To Bite Hillary Clinton

  1. Latest report shows that Hilly wrote to NASA when she was a little girl. And Kammy wrote to ___________. And Hilly has the letter that JFK wrote to Khrushchev…Hilly wins (this is fun to watch hilly embellish stuff, isn’t it)

  2. FTA: “In Clinton’s defense, when her tweet was posted when she was leading in nearly every poll and the general election was just two weeks away.”

    Gee Wally, whudya think that tells us?

    Ahhhh, well Beave, I think it tells me that the polls are nothing but propaganda tools of the Media… who are in cahoots with the democRATs!!

  3. Walt Disney promised Kamala a singing and dancing role in the remake of the film SONG OF THE SOUTH. Too bad Walt died.

    Kamala turned her casting couch into a political ladder.


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