Kamala Harris Celebrates A Holiday As Fake As She – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Celebrates A Holiday As Fake As She


Kamala Harris Recalls Childhood Memories of Kwanzaa

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris issued a greeting “to everyone who is celebrating” Kwanzaa on Saturday, recalling her family’s celebration of the holiday as “one of my favorite childhood memories.”

Harris was born in 1964; Kwanzaa was created in 1966 by activist and academic Maulana Karenga, who was later imprisoned for torturing two women that he believed were trying to poison him. More

Red State goes even further questioning the likelyhood Harris ever celebrated Kwanzaa and pouring derision upon Harris’ efforts to pander. Here

35 Comments on Kamala Harris Celebrates A Holiday As Fake As She

  1. So it is more important to the (probable) VP and President on January 21 (my opinion) to celebrate a religious holiday that was created in 1966 than one that is more than 2000 years old? I can guess where this is going.

  2. Of course, Karenga’s goal was separatism when he made up a holiday he said was, “for the bloods.”
    It’s not a stretch to say that, even though there was real racial tension in the early 1960s, what got Karenga really mad was the fact that Christmas brought the races together.

  3. I was watching Jay Sekulo last night and it sounds like he thinks Biden/Harris will be in charge. Kept talking about all the radical left people and policies we’ll be dealing with. Did he give up?

  4. Every religion, including the Christian faiths (I am one, I am a Baptist) believes in something. She believes in whatever will get her the best press and the most power.
    Did anyone give her kneepads for Christmas?

  5. And in less than a year, this stupid bitch will be the commander in chief of the greatest military force in the world…We are well beyond fucked. Forget civil war 2, WW3 is right around the corner.

  6. Tis the season fo “I’ll Be Home for Kwanzaa,”
    “Have a Holly Jolly Kwanzaa,”
    “I Saw Mommy Doin’ Kwanzaa Klaus,”
    “Little Kwanzaa Boy,”
    “We Wish You a Merry Kwanzaa”
    “Oh, Kwanzaa Tree”
    “I’m Dreaming of a White Woman.”
    “Grandma Got Run Over By a Wildebeest,”
    “All I Want for Kwanzaa (Is All You Got)”
    Aaaaaannnnd my personal favorite: “Leroy de Gold-Toothed Reindeer.”
    How ’bout the poetry…
    ‘Twas the night befo’ Kwanzaa, and down in de ‘hood
    All the homeys was hopin’ de crack would be good!

  7. I would like all iOTW readers to see what a real journalist wrote about Kwanzaa in 1999…

    I read it to my school kids every year, along with “‘Twas The Night Before Christmas.”

  8. It doesn’t matter to Kama Kameleon that Kwanzaa is made up, just like the Swahili language used to describe Kwanzaa “principles” (LOL) – a language used by Arabic slave traders in Africa, who still sell black Africans to this day.
    Apparently, none of her stupid, drooling fans and voters care about the truth of Kwanzaa’s origin either.

  9. @ Erik

    That ‘toon needed some closed-captioning for us crackers to dig what those gang members be sayin’- for shizzle, my nizzle.

    I’m down with the Three Kings story: Martin Luther, Don, and Rodney.


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