Folks, it’s official. Kamala Harris is beginning to contemplate what needs to be done in terms of recognizing the importance of understanding the steps she must take to seriously consider thinking about running for governor of California in 2026. This bombshell revelation was exclusively reported by Eugene Daniels, the Politico fashion icon and “Kamala Harris expert” who will soon join MSNBC as weekend show cohost. It was his “final scoop” for the Virginia-based news blog, which is located many, many floors below the Washington Free Beacon.
According to Daniels, the failed presidential candidate is getting “serious about considering” a run to succeed the term-limited incumbent, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D., Calif.), and has even “given herself a deadline” to decide by the “end of the summer.” Harris allegedly revealed her secret plan to start thinking about making a decision when it comes to her political future last weekend at a pre-Oscars party in Los Angeles. “Harris’ timeline, reported here first, is the clearest indication to date that she may enter the race,” Daniels wrote insightfully. The former vice president has been telling her allies she is “staying in this fight,” but has yet to formally begin the process of discussing a run for governor. MORE
Kamala does what she always does. She puts her head down and gets to work.
Can Californians be THAT suicidal?
“staying in this fight,” ????
One must be intelligent enough to know their limitations.
She is not and does not.
She won’t be unburdened by what has been her past as prosecutor in CA
One of the first things I learned in AF basic training was how to move a group of people around through marching. Until you understand and wield the proper commands, you just have a bunch of people milling around who have no clue where they’re going, or even if they are going.
The command to move people in a group begin with a preparatory command followed by a command of execution. “Forward” is the former, “March!” is the latter.
Harris couldn’t command a gaggle of a half dozen people, let alone serve as Commander in Chief to America’s military and the Executive office.
The Democrats are tapped out if anyone is half-seriously thinking Harris is a viable candidate or leader.
buy more kneepads
An airhead is just what we need as a governor after having a slick-haired numbskull as governor for the last few years.
Harris: I have been thinking a whole lot lately about thinking about thinking about running, but it wears me out and I have to take many naps.
Lady Gaga, for one, is going all gaga just thinking about Kamala thinking about thinking.
She is unburdenededed by coherent thought process.
She is an airborne parasite, desperately seeking a host, a host ANY HOST WILL DO!
She’s NOT getting serious about considering it,
she’s considering getting serious about it.
Kamala: I love winning, and when I’m at the very top of the pole, I know I’m winning. Nobody can beat me in getting to the top of the pole. because I don’t waste time climbing up the pole, I go straight to the top.
KamalMao’s a malignant narcissist. She does not have the ability to read the room. She has blinders on as she plows through the obvious disdain and rejection because she’s a petty, psychopathic moron who doesn’t care about anyone except herself.
Sure there will be fools voting for her to become California Governor if she gets on the ballot, but the general consensus is she’s unlikable and too stupid to be in any position of authority. Definitely, never an elected official. Hopefully. Californian voters will come to their senses and not let her win the governorship. She’s a socialist wrecking ball.