Kamala Harris Still Hasn’t Held a Press Conference After Being Put in Charge of Biden’s Border Crisis – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Still Hasn’t Held a Press Conference After Being Put in Charge of Biden’s Border Crisis

Western Journal- Remember when Vice President Kamala Harris was supposed to be working with Central American nations to stop the border crisis?

It’s been eight days since she was put into that role. She’s purportedly working with countries in the so-called Northern Triangle — El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras — as well as Mexico.

“While we are clear that people should not come to the border now, we also understand that we will enforce the law, and that we also, because we can chew gum and walk at the same time, must address the root causes that cause people to make the trek.”

They can chew gum and walk at the same time, but apparently not while holding news conferences — since, as Fox News pointed out Wednesday, Harris hasn’t held one since she’s been in charge. read more

22 Comments on Kamala Harris Still Hasn’t Held a Press Conference After Being Put in Charge of Biden’s Border Crisis

  1. Even they know maniacal laughter when you are talking about human trafficking and children being sexually and physically abused is not going to go over well.

  2. Seriously, this is so sad. She is embarrassing to all of us as VP of this wonderful country. Say your prayers every day!! Means so much and we all need to have faith. Don’t be afraid!!! PLEASE!

    God Bless us all!


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