Kamala Wants to Invest in Both “Medicare For All” and The “New Green Deal” – IOTW Report

Kamala Wants to Invest in Both “Medicare For All” and The “New Green Deal”

Yesterday, in an appearance on CNN’s “Inside Politics,” California Senator and presidential hopeful Kamala Harris declared the nation can afford both Bernie’s Medicare for all and Ocasio-Cortez’s  New Green Deal.

King said, “Two-and-a-half trillion dollars, $3 trillion for Medicare for all by some studies. Depending on which portions of the Green New Deal you choose to do first, that’s money. You know what Republicans are going to say, ‘tax and spend liberals, pie in the sky.’”

Harris said, “It’s not about a cost. It’s about an investment. And the question should be, is it worth the cost in terms of the investment potential? Are we going to get back more than we put in?”


We all know what you’re after with all this pandering, Kamala, but at what cost to the American people if you actually get your way?

25 Comments on Kamala Wants to Invest in Both “Medicare For All” and The “New Green Deal”

  1. Well Hell, if we’re putting together a collective wish-list, I’d like free surf-n-turf every night, a new electric car every year, and a lifetime pass on the new interstellar high speed rail to Mars. And other stuff.
    BTW, just found out my wife and I are going to be great-grandparents. Don’t know whether to yell HOORAY or Aw-crap for what that child could be walking into with pols like Cameltoes Harris.

  2. My wife just left for Nordstroms. She’s going to “invest” a lot of my money into crap that’s overpriced and essentially useless. Yeah, I’m going to get screwed, but not in a good way.

    But at least the Democrats don’t tax and spend anymore; they “invest” using taxpayer “contributions” to do so. It’s a good thing their constituents are morons.

  3. Kamala has only her life experiences to draw from.
    Viewing constituents as an Automated Transaction Machine is taught.
    Getting to where she is, ATM has had a whole different meaning.

  4. So 2-3 trillion.

    Always double then add 15% to any estimated costs of a Federal program, and probably more than that for a huge one.

    I understand that 2019 Federal tax revenues, about half of which are individual income tax, are projected to be around 3.4 trillion as it is now.

    So maybe these “Medicare for all” proponents will be willing to discuss where all this new money -equal or greater than current total revenues- that will be needed to finance it will come from.

    Specifically discuss, as in “so you’re paying 20.000 dollars a year now, your new amount will only be around 50,000 dollars a year and you’ll get free government run and decided medicare in return for that measly additional 30,000 dollars”.

  5. You could paint green and black stripes down the brutal featured face of Kamala Harris and her head would be an exact replica of a watermelon wearing a wig.

    Biggest head every seen on a woman and hollow to the core.

    Big difference is a watermelon actually has something inside.


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