Kanye’s New Apparel Line, “Blexit” – IOTW Report

Kanye’s New Apparel Line, “Blexit”

Saturday, during the Turning PointUSA summit for young black leaders at the White House, entertainer Kanye West unveiled his new clothing line, “Blexit” (as in Black exit from the democratic party). The roll out was met with both fear and loathing on the left. More


9 Comments on Kanye’s New Apparel Line, “Blexit”

  1. Loved music all my life! Could not tell you of any Kanye West song I’ve ever heard. I checked out after the R’N’R hall of Fame decided RAP and Hip-Hope (what the F’ck is Hip Hope anyway) decided that it was R’N’R. That being said, glad to see someone who’s attempting being a uniter. Unlike Bezoes WAPOO.

  2. It’s not bizarre Abby, it’s transparent. Anytime they have to write about black people they don’t like they go into “alien observer” mode.

    “Kanye West, a black person, has done something that makes us uncomfortable.”

    As opposed to the gushing breezy way they would discuss oprah.

    Anytime I see a black person being discussed as if they were a specimen in a secret lab, I know that person is doing something super cool.

  3. Exactly Mark, they have to trot out the black translator to calm white leftists down and assure them everything is hunky dory down on the plantation.

    “Kanye, even though his enormous wealth is solely derived off of what he says, only speaks for a small, and increasingly isolated group of African Americans who bizarrely find Trump not nausea inducing.”

  4. I may have to go out and buy the lad’s latest album. Of course, I’ll never play it, but it will give him some money and me some satisfaction knowing that he has some support for his views, not for his “music”.


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