Karen Cooper Wants the Freedom To Carry the Battle Flag – IOTW Report

Karen Cooper Wants the Freedom To Carry the Battle Flag

Her point is simple- no matter how the government defines what the flag means she has the right to carry it and defy government tyranny.

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11 Comments on Karen Cooper Wants the Freedom To Carry the Battle Flag

  1. I agree with Karen. However, as a citizen of South Carolina, I don’t think it should be front and center at the end of Main Street on the Capitol lawn. I’m white, middle-aged, and conservative as anyone, anywhere. However, I just don’t see the need as a born southerner to wave it in the faces of my black friends to prove I have freedom. My black friends don’t complain but that’s not the point.

    Put it in a museum away from the race-baiters that use it as a political football. Don’t give them that pleasure. We can thank the Klansmen and Neo-Nazis for our loss of the heritage argument as it relates to this flag. Agree or not, it’s not seen as heritage because of those who use it for rallying a racist message. Let it go.

    I disagree with those who would burn it or move it off the Capitol grounds altogether. However, that is happening because our state waited to do the right thing at the wrong time. We should have made this move when it didn’t look like we were forced to do so. I’ve been arguing to move the flag to a quiet spot on the lawn for decades. Some just need to have something to fight about.

    I appreciate this courageous woman for her understanding of freedom. Unfortunately, this is a difficult time to have this discussion. We’re too divided, thanks to this current administration. However, I suspect there is some surprise at the points that blacks are making nowadays regarding freedom of speech.

    In any event, the homosexual marriage fascist move is more likely to make a larger impact and cause African Americans to to to rethink their blind loyalty to all-things democrat, than this flag issue.

    (sorry for the “big comment”)

  2. Does that flag really represent racism in South Carolina or does it represent States Rights? I live in Cali, and see that flag flying out of the back of pick up trucks probably 3 to 4 times a week. Actually more lately. I think out here it symbolizes a rebellious attitude. I think this flag is a convenient symbol for the left to attach their poor me bull shit too. What’s next the rebel yell?

  3. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought the flag flying in Columbia was at a Confederate Memorial — not just arbitrarily flying on the capitol grounds.

    If I’m right, then isn’t a memorial a type of museum (a location in which objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are exhibited).

    Are we now going to have to go to a building of some sort (built by the government [taxpayers]) to view history in the context in which said government wants it seen?

    Not wanting to be argumentative, just wanting discussion.

  4. I agree with Karen, and I agree with everything you say. The one thing that worries me is this: Where does it stop?
    I live in a town located in a state that was once part of the Confederacy.
    In fact, a significant battle in that war was fought here. We do not fly either the Confederate flag or the Confederate battle flag, either by themselves or as part of our state flag. We have a large black population and no real racial problems to speak of.
    We do, however, have a statue in front of our Courthouse. It is a memorial (if I remember the wording correctly) “dedicated to the Valor of the Soldier of the South”. That’s it. No references to States Rights, to slavery, to “lost causes”, or anything of the sort. It has been there for over a hundred years and has never been a cause of controversy to anyone. Democratic and Republican candidates for state and national office have given speeches in front of it, with nary a problem. Generations of pigeons have cheerfully perched and relieved themselves on it. It didn’t seem to bother anyone at all.

    Comes now a Black fellow, a self-styled activist, from OUT OF TOWN, who is somehow affronted by the presence of the statue and has started a petition to have it removed. His demonstrating in front of the statue has already spawned a counter-demonstration in another part of town. For the first time in my LIFE I now hear of people in pickup trucks driving around this city flying Confederate flags in protest.

    I am afraid that this wave of anti-South, anti-white hysteria promoted by the Left is not going to abate until the present Administration is out of office, and possibly not even then. How many concessions do we have to make, if each one is followed by another one? How long will it take before the rabble-rousers provoke the kind of backlash that they must know is inevitable?
    In short, I am afraid there is trouble ahead. I hope I am wrong.

  5. This has nothing to do with a flag. This has to do with socialists controlling the narrative and taking away freedoms one little nibble at a time.

    It doesn’t matter if it’s a flag or a fag. You can’t fly the Confederate Flag just like you can’t smoke cigarettes. Period. That’s the way the ‘tards operate.

    Eradicate the left.

  6. If I can define whether I’m male or female (Caitlyn Jenner), or whether I’m black or white (Rachel Dolezal), why can’t I define what the Confederate flag means?

  7. If you design a new, unique symbol (logo, flag, letterhead, etc.) you get to define what it represents. People are not free to take your symbol and redefine what it represents. They are free to design their own symbol, but they must not steal yours to suit their purposes. So, what did the folks who designed the Confederate flag have in mind as to what it represented? That is the question. The answer is found in the words of the Vice-President of the Confederate States of America, who said: ” … the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition.”
    I oppose unjust government interference in the exercise of liberty, but I cannot fight for a person’s right to fly a flag which symbolizes racism at its worst. The issue here is what the flag ACTUALLY, HISTORICALLY represents. We are not free to simply say times have changed and now the Confederate flag stands for something completely different than what its designer intended. We are not free to redefine the meaning of the cross, the Star of David, the swastika, etc., so why do we think its ok to say the Confederate flag does not represent racism? To demand the right to fly the Confederate flag is to demand the right to advocate for the enslavement of all blacks.

  8. Sorry, but you are wrong, and I will give you some examples why. The original meaning of the swastika was nothing more than a good luck symbol, or a pleasing geometric design. Nazis took the symbol and redefined it to represent their State. The rainbow represented God’s bow that He set in the sky as a promise never to destroy the world again by water, or if you prefer, just a symbol of happiness. Now it belongs to the Gays, and the meaning has been altered. So you see, the meanings of symbols morph and change throughout history, Here’s a partial list, and there are many more:


    Incidentally, you want to say the Confederate flag was designed to represent racism? Well, that’s a whole different flag, and it is not the same as the Confederate BATTLE flag, which was originally designed for Southern soldiers to fight under for what they perceived as a threat to their homeland (not for slavery, since very few of them owned slaves). General Robert E. Lee himself called slavery “a moral and political evil”. Look it up.

    Personally I have NEVER associated the battle flag with anything other than Southern pride. But more and more, I am beginning to think of it as a symbol of patriotic American resistance to Leftist control.

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