Kari Lake Files Appeal In Lawsuit To Overturn Maricopa County 2022 Election – IOTW Report

Kari Lake Files Appeal In Lawsuit To Overturn Maricopa County 2022 Election

GP: Kari Lake filed a Petition for Special Action in the Arizona Court of Appeals last night in her 2022 Election lawsuit to set aside the Maricopa County General Election, arguing the trial court dismissed “explosive findings.”

The Gateway Pundit reported on the trial that was heard in the Maricopa County Superior Court by Judge Peter Thompson last week.

As we reported, Judge Peter Thompson dismissed the lawsuit last Saturday, Christmas Eve, despite the clear and convincing evidence presented by Lake’s attorneys of massive voter disenfranchisement targeting Republicans and obviously false testimony by elections officials.

Prior to the trial, Thompson dismissed all counts of the lawsuit except for Count II and Count IV, regarding the massive failure of ballot-on-demand printers and tabulators on election day and the major chain of custody issues that could overturn the election.

Eight of ten counts alleging violation of freedom of speech ahead of the election, fraudulent signatures on mail-in ballot affidavits, discrimination against Republican voters, due process violation, unconstitutional mail-in ballot procedure, and improper certification were dismissed before trial. more here

15 Comments on Kari Lake Files Appeal In Lawsuit To Overturn Maricopa County 2022 Election

  1. Kari Lake agreed to The Party’s rules (subject to change, without notice). To be a Party member. In good standing.

    To be listed on The Party’s ballots. To be “counted” by The Party. According to The Party’s rules (subject to change, without notice).

    The count to be “overturned”. At The Party’s discretion. According to The Party’s rules (subject to change, without notice).

    In October? September? Imaguary?

    Those who swore their sacred honor to The Party. To The Party ballot. To be “counted” (subject to change, without notice). By The Party. In November. Because they first forswore support of The Party’s announcement. Because whatever The Party decides will be Good(TM) enough. To be allowed to “vote”.

    The Party announced their choice. The Party agreed to “consider” changing their choice. To one of their other choice. If they chose to. If The Party’s loyal members, in good standing, agreed to agree to The Party’s decision (subject to change, without notice). Before even knowing the (this, the current, days) Party Rules(TM) (subject to change, without notice).

    Loyal Party member, Kari Lake, agreed. (Here’s my shocked emoji.)

    It is now the dawn of January. And The Party has decided that The Party is all good. Same as it ever was.

    And the colorless Boomers boom, “Appeal, doot oot. So much appeal loot! Oot oot.”

    So much time. So much energy. Wank harder, An Patriots. Just. Wank. On.

  2. I like her spirit but the outcome of EVERYTHING she has filed was decided before the ink dried on the paper. NO COURT IN AMERICA is ever going to admit that the electoral process is rigged. Never going to happen. There is simply too much money, too much power, too much control at stake to ever admit the process is corrupt. TINVOWOOT

  3. There are a lot of OLD patriots in Arizona who feel they don’t have that much to lose and are willing to go all out if it means bloodshed to keep our country free for their children and grandchildren. They see this as the last bastion of freedom for our democratic republic!

  4. @joe6pak December 31, 2022 at 9:40 pm

    > Jeez, my proofreading needs some work. Two glaring typos. The worst, I’m NOT liking that line of thinking.

    Thank you, joe6. You saved me from denying thinking. In this, the current, year. What ever that year may be.

  5. @Dan December 31, 2022 at 10:43 pm

    > NO COURT IN AMERICA is ever going to admit that the electoral process is rigged.


    Why would McDonald’s hire somebody that says “McDonald’s sucks!” Why would they “promote” a militant vegan? Why would they allow “The King” (the one with the “cartoon” head) to be the last word, of how McDonald’s is ruled?

    Overruling… even undermining… The Party, is not why The Party re-hires such worshipers of fancy pants. Dresses? Costumes? Whatever.


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