A Message of Hope For the New Year From Pastor Jack Hibbs – IOTW Report

A Message of Hope For the New Year From Pastor Jack Hibbs

GP: A message of hope for the New Year from pastor Jack Hibbs of Real Life ministry as he Joins Rose Unplugged. Pastor Hibbs discussed how our Founding Fathers’ faith in God influenced our nation’s founding documents that gave us our freedoms. Pastor Hibbs encouraged people to get involved in their local communities. MORE

Jack Hibbs is the senior and founding pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Southern California.

2 Comments on A Message of Hope For the New Year From Pastor Jack Hibbs

  1. The U.S. stands in the way of One World Government

    The United States. Saved The Soviet Union. So that the shining light of international, worldwide, Communism(TM), would not be extinguished. When Americans were given the “opportunity” to allow somebody else to snuff out Internationale Bolshevism, they “voted” yes (tee hee). After (allegedly) voting “yes” to be ruled by Globalist Bolshevists. When “their” Globalist Bolshevists said, “Fuck you! Bolshevism! Bolshivism, uber alles!”, Americans said “Yes, ma’am”. And, gleefully, genocided america. (And most of the planet, as well. But the joy of killing themselves still reeks, so sweet.)

    Nobody has time (left), to have gibbering Satanists cackle about The United States shtruggle sessioning with the Globalism(TM) that is The United States. To Save(TM) the Americans they haven’t devoured, yet.

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