Karl Rove Does an Excellent Job of Putting Bombastic Biden in His Place – IOTW Report

Karl Rove Does an Excellent Job of Putting Bombastic Biden in His Place

Nice job, Rove.

And Sean Vanity actually lets him speak without interruption. Nice clip.

ht/ c. steven tucker

16 Comments on Karl Rove Does an Excellent Job of Putting Bombastic Biden in His Place

  1. Even some Bushites are finally recognizing what Democrat Party stands for. They are kinda slow on the uptake, but maybe watching Democrat Party encouraging and enabling riots for going on a fourth month is having some effect on them.

  2. Hannity took a Labor Day week off. I swear the day before he spent an hour arguing with his radio producer how “everyone says I repeat myself and I talk over people during interviews…” He said he doesn’t and she was gently saying, “Yeah, ya do.”

    Maybe he finally listened to his radio producer.

  3. Hannity: Do you think I’m repetitious and always interrupting people?

    Producer: Yea, you…

    Hannity: That’s a lie!

    Producer: ….do.

    Hannity: Not unlike a bought and paid for dossier of Russian disinformation found on Hillary Clinton’s bleachbit server.

  4. Hannity said to Don Jr. the other night when he didn’t get to interrupt….”Am I a potted plant?” then abruptly ended the interview,I just had to look that expression up. It came from Iran-contra from one of the lawyers!

  5. Good except the Governors shut down their individual states, not Pres. Trump.
    He just stopped travel to and from China and closed the Canadian border along with Jussie Trudeau.

    Even though Rove does a good job pointing out Biden’s idiocy, the ‘Rona wasn’t as bad as originally thought. But at the beginning no one knew.

    I love that Rove points out Biden’s plagiarism and lies. Ha!! I hope Trump’s team uses this in an ad.

  6. ED ZACHARY, Anonymous. You’ve got this one. They must be desperate if they’re trotting out Rove.

    “We call him the architect”. Nope, Sean. It was Shrub who called Rove “the architect”, when he wasn’t calling him Turd Blossom.

    And could someone please explain to me why Biden is even being taken seriously? Or the Democrats, for that matter? Would you go into an insane asylum and try to carry on a serious conversation with any of the inmates? Debate them? Refute them? Compromise with them?

    This is exactly why conservatives are in trouble, because they constantly engage with lunatics and treat them as if they had valid points for debate, instead of mocking them or ignoring them.

  7. “Sean Vanity”. Nice one but be careful, he trains in martial arts 9-10 days a week, has a concealed weapons permit in 5 states (I’m good in 30) and wears cowboy boots. Remember that interview with Andy Cuomo that Hannity did back in May about the ‘Rona? If verbal fellatio was a thing, Sean killed it.


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