Karma Blows Kamala – IOTW Report

Karma Blows Kamala

Kamala just plagiarized Trump’s ‘no tax on tips’ policy, and karma wasted no time serving her a delicious BLOW.


Is there a more phony DEI politician than Kamala Harris? This is someone who has never risen through the ranks based on expertise or merit. Instead, she’s been promoted due to her gender, skin color, and “womanly ways.” As a result, she’s a malleable politician who shifts with the winds, molded into whatever her superiors want her to be. Like Biden, who’s also always one of the dumbest politicians in the room, Harris steals and plagiarizes from those who are actually smarter. A prime example of this is her so-called “first policy” proposal, which simply recycled President Trump’s great idea of not taxing tips. read more

26 Comments on Karma Blows Kamala

  1. The problem is we keep preaching to the choir. How many independents or moderate dems will see this? How many of the same will be convinced by the Communist News Network that this was her idea all along and Trump stole it?

  2. What a crowd, what a crowd!

    I get no respect. My wife Kamala said she wants more sex starting this week. I said “What about tonight, Baby Doll?”. She said ” Sorry, I’m booked ’til Labor Day.”

  3. They’re going to phony up some bullshit, and back-date it to sometime last year. It will “show“ that Kamala thought of “No tax on tips” before Trump. Yes, it will be phony as hell, but the media has come a long way since Dan Rather and TANG. They’ll push it until the NPCs and Wojaks know it in their sleep. Could be wrong, hope I am.

    They’ll also claim that Kamala had nothing to do with enabling the IRS to tax tips, just like she was never the border czar. The NPCs and Wojaks swallow those lies, regurgitate them on demand and ask for more.

  4. Wages aren’t income either. They’re gained through the exchange of labor. Only interest is income. Tips are technically a gift. The government should be forced to live on only what it derives from tarrifs and excise taxes. The 16th amendment was never lawfully ratified. The state legislations must ratify what is sent to them for ratification without amendments. at least 2 amended the amendment without ratification and sent it back to congress who then very deceitfully (under Wilson’s corrupt administration) deemed it ratified. But try telling that to anyone.

  5. Brad, I dated a gal that sold Cadillacs for 4 years. She was built just like I like em……About year 3 she disclosed that she had stripped at a gentleman’s club that I went to a bachelors party at…..I spent two dances and a few bucks at her station before I went to the back room for the bachelors party…..I’m pretty sure it was her. Ass length blonde hair and built like I likes them….small world….I never did know what color her eyes were and still don’t…

  6. That so-called Inflation Reduction Act is also about to raise premiums and drug prices on Medicare part D plans.
    The regime is looking at illegally gifting $ to ins companies to keep them where they’re at until after the election.

  7. Reigning in the IRS and other alphabet agencies is the end game for President Trump. The IRS never had the authority to levy taxes on tips.
    The Supreme Court’s ruling on Chevron v. NRDC was huge.

  8. Dadof4..
    Problem is that a lot of people (like me) don’t have the right collection of bills to leave a tip on the table (which should never be reported by receiver) and add it to credit card. The business owner has to report it or pay the extra tax at tax-time.

  9. Fred, If I know I’m going out to eat, I always prepare for it in advance. I try to keep some cash in the truck, too.

    I try to tip in advance, too. That was the point when it first started. To get prompt service because you’ve greased the wheels already.

    One time there a new girl serving at my friend’s golf club and she didn’t see the 20 I put in her tip jar – everyone else around me did see it and we talked a few minutes on that subject.

    Fast forward a few hours, when I was about to leave, and I had spent only about $25 on my tea and some of his drinks.

    She got a bit of a nasty attitude accusing me of not tipping. Everyone there corrected her so it wasn’t a thing.

    Sweetie, I tipped you $20 on a $25 tab.

    She had a burr under saddle after I had told her early on that Trump was the best president she’ll have for the rest of her life whether she knew it or not. She was desperate to make me look bad and it backfired beautifully. Lol

    Last June I was at the same place with my friend again and told the current bartender about what happened that other time as I slipped a 20 in her jar. ‘ You’re not going to forget I tipped you already, are you?’

    Again, unsweet teas and one or two of his drinks – not a big tab – and for a few hours she would giggle every time I told her I’m not tipping her with a feigned slap on the table. At least that time was very enjoyable. And I’m pretty sure the second girl wasn’t a left-tard.

  10. I still maintain Tip Value is equally proportionate to breast size. The angle of the dangle is proportionate to the heat of the meat and the mass of the ass. Anyway that’s my formula.

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