Katie Couric’s Gun Documentary May Lead To Arrests – IOTW Report

Katie Couric’s Gun Documentary May Lead To Arrests

No, the arrests won’t be for deceitful editing. That’s just immoral and unethical.

Dana Loesch alerted the ATF that, by their own admission, the filmmakers could be arrested for getting a little too cute.

IJ Review-

When Soechtig, the director, sent a producer to Arizona from Colorado specifically to acquire firearms, she could have actually broken two federal laws:

  • Interstate transfer: for a purchaser to acquire a firearm outside their state of residence – in this case, Colorado – the transfer must go through a licensed firearms dealer in the purchaser’s state of residence [18 U.S.C 922(a)(3); 27 CFR 478.29].
  • Straw purchase: one individual may not make the purchase of a firearm in someone else’s name [18 U.S.C. 922(a)(5)].

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ht/ Sig94

28 Comments on Katie Couric’s Gun Documentary May Lead To Arrests

  1. Four firearms bought * two laws each purchase = eight feddle counts.

    Even though I utterly disapprove of those laws, I’ll be a happy hypocrite if Couric, Soechtig, and that Colorado producer are indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced to prison time.

    (A few days ago I saw the name of the Colorado-based buyer but can’t find it now. Anybody?)

  2. @Uncle Al — I saw it a couple days ago, too. There were only two male producers on the film who could have been the ones and there was a list of all the film staff. I think either GatewayPundit or Drudge had the story (with the list).

  3. Intrastate private party transfers do not require paperwork in most (but not all) states. It is however a requirement of feddle law for interstate private party sales to go through a FFL in the purchasers state of residence.

    These bozos set up interstate private party sales and didn’t use a Colorado FFL. ILLEGAL.

    (And that’s not mention that pesky straw purchasing violation.)

  4. AL, I’m a Cali FFL and primarily a manufacture. But the vehicle for transferring ownership and serial numbers is the one and only 4473. I didn’t watch the show so I have no idea what the ass holes were buying. If it was a musket, no big deal, a semi auto pistol is number one on the hit parade with the BATF.

  5. Definitely not Federal for in-state resident purchases.

    In most non-communist states, roughly, all you need is to “not be aware that the purchaser is ineligible to purchase.”

  6. Understand I’m not saying you are wrong, because I’am in occupied territory. But the gun register is Federal. Not state. Unless of course you live in Cali. What if they were selling NFA guns? Some one needs to make that judgment

  7. ” But the gun register is Federal.”

    Besides NFA weapons a Federal Gun Registry does not exist, at least not legally. NFA items require a $200 or $5 transfer tax stamp issued by the ATF after extensive background check and other requirements are met.

    You gotta get out of enemy territory man,

  8. A Federal Gun Register does not exist.

    Now your smoking crack. I can show you a bazillion cases were the Feds have tracked down a weapon in the Commision of. What you said is not true.

  9. Brad, I think you are assuming the crap you have to put up with in CA is the same country-wide. It isn’t, thank goodness. The last time I bought a rifle we did the transaction literally in a K-Mart parking lot in Manatee County. I assume both of us were Florida residents but we didn’t introduce ourselves or ask questions other than “Let me examine the gun, please” and “Glad you like it, can I have 20s instead of one of those 100s?” I’ve done the same for a handgun, specifically a Browning Hi-Power which, for any not familiar with that fine pistol, is a semiauto handgun. No big deal, no questions other than similar to above. All totally legal, both by state and feddle standards here in sunny FL.

    I got my Garand the same way in Maryland a little over 20 years ago but from a neighbor and friend. The pol bastards there have, I think, made that illegal. I’m a native Marylander, born in Annapolis, but I’m never going back.

  10. Bad Brad-Sure,you could sell an illegal SBR to crack dealer. But on a legal SBR, why would you go to all the trouble to get one, wait up to a year to receive it, then sell it illegally? When it turns up, you would face prison time because that gun is assigned to only you, and you have to account for it at all times.

  11. Al, when I ship a gun out of state we swap FFL numbers and log it I. Our A&D books. I ship a gun to another FFL in California I need to log onto a special FFL verification page the state runs to make sure the Gun Store I’m shipping it to is legit. So maybe. However our ATF guy is pretty cool and that damn 4473 is going to get filled out no matter what. Like I say, I’m an FFL in occupied territory. But even in Cali, the paper trail I’m forced to follow at the federal level monuments that sale.

  12. Refuse/Resist, let’s stick to illegal. The deeper I get into the gun biz the more I beleive we need to strike down all gun laws. It’s our heritage. Everyone should carry or have the ability too.

  13. Brad – gotcha. The difference between us is mostly that you are a FFL, and so you need 4473 (or equivalent for NFA stuff?) for all transactions. I’m not, so as long as I’m buying/selling to other Florida residents, no paperwork of any kind is required (except for NFA stuff but I’m not putting my name in that kind of data base, gnome sane?).

  14. Bad Brad, I agree. It pisses me off every time I want to exercise my Constitutional rights, I have to pay $200, get a background check(another one), and wait a year to get my gun. But a drug dealer can go and get food stamps in one day.

  15. Funny thing Is guys I didn’t start out with getting this emersed in the gun culture in mind. I’ve always been a gun guy. Hunter mainly, and I love my 1911’s. But the farther you get into it the more treasonous the left is.
    We have a gun we are pretty damn proud of coming out in Guns and Ammo in a couple months. I”ll let you all know when it’s published. I gotta move.

  16. Imagine that?

    Leftist twatwaffles get the “gun show loophole.”

    I get the federalski’s fucking me every which way, because I follow stupid laws.


    (said in my best leftist new-yawker accent!)

  17. Bad_Brad June 10, 2016 at 10:25 pm

    Private party transfers in California still need to be done thru an FFL. I beleive that’s a Federal Law.

    That is incorrect about it being federal. Private transfers, in themselves, are not required by federal law to go through an FFL. Your state may vary.

    It may be that CA requires it, but fed has power over interstate commerce in this fiasco. That is where the rub is.

    Not using an FFL with a 4473 form to bring it across state lines is the law they broke.

  18. As with the “news” maggot in DC who displayed an “illegal” 30 rnd capacity magazine ON AIR and wasn’t prosecuted, neither will these be.

    Some are “more equal” than others.

    izlamo delenda est …

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