Katy Tur Asks if Democracy Can Address Climate Change – IOTW Report

Katy Tur Asks if Democracy Can Address Climate Change


MSNBC host Katy Tur on Tuesday questioned whether democracy was the best system of government to address climate change.

“Can I ask a hard question here?” Tur asked guest Jake Levine, a former energy and climate aide to President Barack Obama. “The way our democracy is set up, where there’s turnover every few years and a new administration can come in and completely roll back what the last one did, can you really address this issue with that system?”

Levine argued it could be done if voters elected leaders united to address climate change.

“Sure. I mean look, there are no doubt deficiencies in the way our democracy has been able to address this and many other issues,” Levine said. “But if we are serious about this challenge and if we vote for leaders in our legislature—not just in Congress, but in state legislatures—who have the power to enact legislation and law that will require our agencies to take concrete actions, I think that we can turn the tide on this policy stalemate that we’ve been living through for the last decade as we’ve seen emissions skyrocket and actions really stagnate.”

Tur then claimed the issue of climate change used to be something that all politicians agreed on. read more

27 Comments on Katy Tur Asks if Democracy Can Address Climate Change

  1. I think our country is handling “global warming” just right. The majority of the people know it is a scam, so we elected Donald Trump our president, and he dismantled the previous president’s bullshit programs. Problem solved.

  2. No, democracy can’t. The best government to address climate change is a global dictatorship. THAT’S WHY THERE IS (FAKE) CLIMATE CHANGE-TO UNITE THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY UNDER A GLOBAL LEADER. Global problem requires a global solution.

  3. We were all gonna freeze. Then we were all gonna die from hot air. Then there was an O-Zone HOLE! And then there was RADON! And then there was gonna be no more petrol. And then no more coal. WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE! Did you forget to floss every day? And then eggs, you know, chicken eggs. Everybody whom has ever eaten an egg of a chicken WILL die. And then butter. BUTTER! BACON! ACH!

  4. She was born in 1983….how in the fuck would she realize that the science was settled in the late 80’s?….She reminds me of my nieces and why I don’t get invites to holiday gatherings anymore….I made them sad and they are “sensitive”….LOLOLOL

  5. A totalitarian dictatorship is always the answer with the Marxists. The one form of government that reliably always creates Hell on earth. This is pure evil. Climate? This has NOTHING to do with the climate.

  6. A Katy Tur is when your alcohol consumption measures greater then your desire to go home alone from the pub….

    Used as a noun…”I just pulled a Katy Tur”….Used as a verb…”I Katy Turred the shit out of my drunk last night”…

  7. willysgoatgruff. HAA!

    “Sadly”, that’s just like me. I don’t get called to that family shit anymore.

    “Nathan really didn’t want you at his birthday party.”

    “Yeah, I really had to sharpen my chainsaw chain. I understand.”

  8. Katy, Katy, Katy! It really wasn’t a hard question…it was a stupid one.

    Whoever came up with that ‘there are no dumb questions’ nonsense, clearly never got enough of them to discover how percentages totally blows that BS up.


  9. I want 72 degrees during the day, with 3 hours of rain every other night and a low of 50. I think my congressman can make that happen. After all, if the gubmint can manipulate the climate, we should have a say in it. What is this, a banana republic or something?

  10. BrainTrust Tur: “ It wasn’t until there was a concerted disinformation campaign perpetrated by the oil industry that would discredit the science that they already had on record.”

    Who’s record Katy? Ira Einhorn who was the leader of the environmental “Earth Day” movement?… well after he completed the untidy act of murdering his girlfriend, dismembering her body, cramming her in a trunk and stashing her away in his closet.

    Zealots like Katy aren’t old enough, nor care to research the origins of cult movements.

  11. I’d like to get my hands on the EU version of my wife’s car. It has a diesel engine and gets 53MPG.

    It has no emission controls.

    I’m sick of donating 1/8 of a tank of diesel to climate change as it is.

  12. Apples. Yes, millions died at some point after eating an apple back in the 1990’s. The evil, greedy apple growers put poison substances on them to make them shine. Scientist Meryl Streep warned us not to eat apples. Unfortunately, millions ignored her and died. Some died within a few days, for others it took years before they died. But they all died, and they had all eaten apples. We didn’t listen to her. Let’s hope we will listen to her in the future.


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