Keep Pounding Them – IOTW Report

Keep Pounding Them


Here’s a nice piece on how to behave towards liberals in the new year.

It’s natural to want to let up once all the politicians we supported are sworn in. Don’t.
Just like any bully, they refuse to learn their lessons until it’s beaten into them.


17 Comments on Keep Pounding Them

  1. Now now, my Deplorable brethren… beating up libtards sounds like fun sure, but it’s unsportsmanlike to hit an inferior and weaker opponent. Unless they start it and then fuck em… fuck em up!

  2. They love to play tough, but Libtards have yet to embrace the concept they can stop bullets also. Or an assbeating, broken teeth, bones, male or female or in between. They start a confrontation, we will finish it. We are DONE taking all their crap over the last 8 yrs plus. Run away very fast. We are coming for you.

  3. “Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit…” …. LMAO!

    the author is correct; this is only the beginning.

    …as for me …. I’m glad it’s finally begun

    time to buckle your chinstraps …. lock & load!

  4. We worked hard, got on our knees and prayed hard that God would forgive us for letting the left get to this point, lost friends and some family to ever EVER let this happen again.

    Don’t stop.

  5. We are in societal breakdown leading into civil war. It began with The Ferguson Lie, manifesting July 7th in Dallas and in countless other smaller ambushes.

    The commies have not begun to agitate and arm the illegals yet.

  6. I always find myself thinking about this great one from our 40th prez:

    “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

    We stopped the car a hair away from the cliff, but the rabid anti-american bungholes at our heels are already rallying to give it that final push and send our country over the edge of ‘progressivism’ that will always end the same way, as it always has, as all unaccountable government monstrosities must. STICK IT IN REVERSE AND DRIVE OVER THEM IF YOU MUST, BUT DON’T STOP DRIVING. They’ll always be waiting, and ready with spike strips, ready to throw their kids at the windshield, ready to pile up their own lackeys in the road if they have to, coming out of the ground like zombies to try and stop us from returning to a limited government, accountable to the people. If they can’t have things their way and drive the car, then they’ll see to it that nobody gets to, they’d rather destroy everything than take any direction that would surrender even a smidgen of their power over the dirt people.

    Rein these guys in. It’s time to make this banana republic split…..
    All right, I guess I’m done. Good night folks. I’ll be here all week.

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