Keith Ellison Accused of Smacking Around His Girlfriend – IOTW Report

Keith Ellison Accused of Smacking Around His Girlfriend

You wouldn’t understand, infidel, it’s a Muslim thing.


Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison, the co-chair of the DNC, has been accused of domestic violence by the son of his alleged ex-girlfriend, Karen Monahan.

The accusations were shared by Debra Hilstrom, a Democrat member of Minnesota’s house of representatives.

Hilstrom tweeted a link to the shocking Facebook post written by Austin Monahan, who had tagged Hilstrom in the hopes of shining a spotlight on the alleged abuse his mom suffered at the hands of Ellison, the first Muslim elected to the United States Congress.

Hilstrom is running against Ellison to be attorney general of Minnesota, which may be why Austin Monahan reached out to her. These skeletons in Ellison’s closet could also explain why he abruptly announced he would not seek re-election to Congress.

If the abuse allegations against Ellison are true, they mirror similar assault accusations leveled against former New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman.

As BizPac Review previously reported, Schneiderman resigned in disgrace in May 2018 after at least four women came forward to accuse him of abusing them during violent sex romps.

Schneiderman, a high-profile Democrat, raised substantial amounts of money by hosting fundraisers for Trump-bashing leftist senators Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren.


I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that stuff about Muslims. This is obviously a leftist thing.


21 Comments on Keith Ellison Accused of Smacking Around His Girlfriend

  1. muslims hate, enslave, rape, and murder all non-muslims. It is what their islamic warfare ideology requires them to do. That makes muslims the largest hate and terrorist group on the planet. muslims have no religion. All muslims have is hatred, slavery, rape, and murder.

  2. Im glad this broad got her skull bashed in. She hates everyone on this site and the deplorable people like us. She and her loser sons are hardcore sjw lefties that spit on people and smash them in the head with bicycle locks. Im glad her dirty filthy mozlime aavage ape boyfriend beat her brains in and blackened her eyes. She deserves it. And now, hopefully the filthy mozlime gets arrested. Verily, he will cause great strife and discomfort between those who understands allahvodkas command to gently beat your wives and mutahs (ya know… beat them in a nice way) and those that oppose the patriarchy and men beating their Ho’s. All registered demorats of course.

    Hey Hey… Ho Ho…
    Kieth Ellison
    Beats His Ho….

  3. Please go the way of that other fraudulent Minnesotan, the dis-honorable Al Franken!
    We have a swamp here too.
    They should cancel each other out anyway. One’s a Jew, and the other is a Jew hater.

  4. “If the abuse allegations against Ellison are true,…”

    We have allegations at this point. Let’s see if the victim will stand up and confirm in public about this.

    It’s public now, protections are available.

    Lets us not be the left and convict on allegations. But if attested as true by the harmed party, grind him to dust.


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