Kennedy Cousin, Michael Skakel, Has Murder Conviction of Martha Moxley Reinstated – IOTW Report

Kennedy Cousin, Michael Skakel, Has Murder Conviction of Martha Moxley Reinstated

Say what you will about Mark Furhman, but he was instrumental in reinvigorating the 1975 Halloween night, cold case death of Martha Moxley, which led to Skakel’s conviction.

Of course the Kennedy’s had enough money to keep a battery of lawyers busy finding every appeal possible for the convicted murderer cousin. He was released in 2013 pending a review of his case which led to a new trial.

The Connecticut Supreme Court reinstated the earlier conviction.

Furhman’s book, Murder in Greenwich: Who Killed Martha Moxley, is a great read if you are a true crime buff.

The one piece of circumstantial evidence against Skakel, which I think is very telling, is when investigators leaked false information that technology not available in 1975 had limited their investigation, but modern technology could find the murderer through DNA that was found on Martha Moxley’s body. (They had no such DNA.)

After this info was leaked Michael Skakel volunteered a ridiculous story that he had never mentioned prior. He said that he remembers masturbating in a tree, something he did from time to time, while trying to peep at Martha.

Moxley was found dead under that tree. Skakel was trying to come up with a cover story if his DNA was found on Moxley.

This meant that Skakel climbed a tree without noticing Moxley’s dead body, and he masturbated to a blank window.

This concocted tale is what led investigators to clamp down hard on Michael Skakel.

Rot in jail, monster.

23 Comments on Kennedy Cousin, Michael Skakel, Has Murder Conviction of Martha Moxley Reinstated

  1. I went to high school with Mark Furhman. He was almost invisible, a virtual nobody. Funny how that nobody turned into one of the two most successful members of the class. (The other was a personal friend who became a 3-star Air Force general in charge of all air force bases in South Korea.)

  2. I’ve probably told this story before about the OJ trial. The judge who appointed Ito to the trial was a dad in my scout troop a couple of years after the trial. Ito had begged him for the role, which he said was one of the worst mistakes he ever made. I asked whether he had sat in on the trial and he said about half. I asked whether he thought OJ was guilty, and he said he had never seen such overwhelming evidence to convict. This from a judge with 30 years’ experience. He had the responsibility after the trial of thanking the jury for its service, and he said that made him sick to have to do that. I have no doubt.
    The judge’s wife, a trial judge known locally as ‘bullet train to hell’ because of the number of death penalty convictions in her court, had to recuse herself because their kids had gone to the same private elementary school as OJ’s kids.

  3. ” Michael Skakel volunteered a ridiculous story that he had never mentioned prior. He said that he remembers masturbating in a tree, something he did from time to time, while trying to peep at Martha.”

    I believe that is a sex crime in of itself. I would love to know who would have tolerated that kind of behavior in their own neighborhood. If I saw anyone doing that, I would sell my house immediately and blacklist the neighborhood.

  4. After the OJ trial I read Mark Furhman’s book among others about that case.
    It was a good read and I respect the man.
    What truly bothered me about him was when he took the stand and lied about ever calling someone a nigger.
    He flat out lied and he had to know they had him on tape using the slur.

    Mark should have taken the stand and said “of course I have called people niggers. I work in South Central, I hear that word a hundred times a day. Hell, I’VE been called a nigger!”

    “SUCK ON THAT F.Lee Bailey, you old goat!”

  5. Well, I hope the Skakel has been exercising his butt because I suspect that they rest of the inmates don’t like rapist-murderers and white people of privileged backgrounds.
    As for Mark Furhman and the OJ trial, he did make a mistake lying on the stand about using the n-word. As LocoBlanco said, he should have admitted it and told them that the word was used by everybody black, brown, white, yellow whatever. It was part of the LA Ghetto lexicon. Having said that, it’s been recently reported that whatever the evidence was, that jury was going to find OJ innocent and that had been decided before the end of the trial. Hell, he could have been caught standing over the bodies holding the knife and they “jury” still would have given him a walk as payback for the Simi Valley acquittals of four white cops in the beating of Rodney King, famous PCP abuser and novice pool user. In terms of blame sharing the DA and their experts at jury selection take a big piece of the pie with Mark taking a small sliver.

  6. “These Kennedys are the scum of the earth. And STILL the imbeciles in the press are enamored of them.”

    Idolatry is inherent in all human hearts where The God Who Is has been rejected. Many different types of idols throughout history but here are a few modern ones…celebrities, sports figures (and sports itself), academics, ecclesiastics, savior politicians, etc.

    A literally endless list.

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  1. New Genre Library: True Crime (Murder in Greenwich) – before the second sleep
  2. Reading 2017: Reading Challenge 2017 – before the second sleep

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