Kentucky Governor Signs Bill Banning Abortion on Basis of Race, Sex, Disability – IOTW Report

Kentucky Governor Signs Bill Banning Abortion on Basis of Race, Sex, Disability

Epoch Times: Republican Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin signed a bill that bans getting abortions on the basis of sex, race, or disability of a fetus.

House Bill 5 was passed last week by the state Senate 32-4 after the House passed it 67-25 in late February. It was signed into law by Bevin on March 19. Since the bill carried an emergency clause, it took effect immediately.

It mandates that doctors performing abortions certify in writing that the patient didn’t want to get an abortion because of the unborn child’s sex, race, color, national origin, or disability.

If a doctor violated the law, they would face felony prosecution and the loss of their medical license; the prospective mothers would not face any penalties.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit against the bill on March 15, claiming that women have a right to have an abortion and that the bill infringes upon that right.

In a response filed in the U.S. District Court in Lousiville on March 19 published by WYMT, Bevin’s office said the governor signed the law and said the legislation bans “eugenics-based abortions.”  more here

8 Comments on Kentucky Governor Signs Bill Banning Abortion on Basis of Race, Sex, Disability

  1. …does it apply to AFTER the baby is born and the “mother” is looking at it and decides she doesn’t want it, and that no one ELSE should get it, EITHER? Because the Democrats think THAT time is up for grabs as available baby-killing time as well…

  2. Meanwhile in Illinoisistan.

    The Reproductive Health Act (HB 2495 and SB 1942) enshrines abortion as a “fundamental right” and provides that a “fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights under the law.”

    The bills would do the following:

    Repeal a 1975 law that includes criminal penalties for doctors who perform abortions.

    Legalize abortions up until the moment of birth.

    Eliminate all restrictions on where abortions are performed.

    Require all private health insurance policies to cover abortion (even churches and other religious organizations).

    Eliminate any restrictions on where abortions can be performed.

    The law also allows non-physicians to perform surgical and medical abortions.

    It repeals laws that allow husbands to block their wives from aborting their child, eliminates requirements to investigate fetal or maternal deaths resulting from abortion, and allows minors to receive abortions without ever having to notify their parents.

  3. “Republican Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin signed a bill that bans getting abortions on the basis of sex, race, or disability of a fetus.”

    But they left out “sexual orientation “, those homophobic bastards!!!

  4. “The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit against the bill on March 15, claiming that women have a right to have an abortion and that the bill infringes upon that right.”

    That’s right, it says right there in the constitution, “the right to abortion shall not be infringed”.


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