Kentucky says ‘enough is enough’ to liberal muzzling of free speech – IOTW Report

Kentucky says ‘enough is enough’ to liberal muzzling of free speech

[…] “Students may offer a prayer or blessing before meals in school or assemble on school grounds for religious purposes to the same extent as other students who wish to express their personal views or assemble with others.
“Students may not engage in religious harassment of others or compel other students to participate in religious expression, and schools may control aggressive and unwanted proselytizing.
“Schools may neither favor nor disfavor students or groups on the basis of their religious identities.”
Regarding the rights of teachers, while they cannot teach religion, they have every right to teach about religion. There is a difference between mandating that students believe that Jesus is the Son of God and teaching that this is what Christians believe.

11 Comments on Kentucky says ‘enough is enough’ to liberal muzzling of free speech

  1. @Bill — The lowest hanging fruit — where the modern existence of the school owes itself to Christianity — would be Notre Dame, but that’s the least likely place to teach that Jesus Christ is the Son, anymore.

  2. the problem w/ the bill is one sentence … ” There is a difference between mandating that students believe that Jesus is the Son of God and teaching that this is what Christians believe.”

    the Leftards are going to go batshit over the mere mention of Christianity (they always do!). it would have been better to mention Buddha & Buddhism, or Moe Hamhead & Islam … fight fire with fire

  3. @Abigail – having attended 12 years of Catholic grade and high school and 2 years in a Jesuit university, I can say with confidence that you are 100% correct.

    Maybe that’s why I’m an agnostic insomniac. I lie awake at night doubting the existence of Dog.

  4. if you believe that you crawled out of the ocean, grew some feet and then a tail and climbed a tree to eat bananas and learned to grunt some language–go ahead. But I look up at the night sky and stand in awe of the beauty of it all- and the creatures-bees-worms-butterfly’s-etc and wonder–what am I that God would think of me? Bring God and the ten commandments back into the school system and government.. It was a better time back in the 50’s where people had respect for each other….

  5. So, where is the outrage of ACLU when children are required to memorize Muslim prayers??

    Time for Christian Solders rise up and require equal treatment. Some schools have even set up prayer rooms with prayer rugs for Muslims!

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