Kentucky’s Black Attorney General Throws Cold Water All Over Biden’s ‘Systemic Racism’ Claim – IOTW Report

Kentucky’s Black Attorney General Throws Cold Water All Over Biden’s ‘Systemic Racism’ Claim


Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, a prominent Republican office-holder in a red state who happens to be African-American, tossed several buckets of cold water on the left’s contention that America is ‘systemically racist’ during a Sunday appearance on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“Well, no, I don’t believe this country is systemically racist,” Cameron told anchor Maria Bartiromo. “What I believe is that this country has always tried from the very beginning to become a more perfect union. And certainly, we’ve had our challenges throughout this nation’s history and there’s no hiding from that, but when you hear comments like you heard from President Biden and others that throw fuel on the fire, that explode the tensions that we have in this country, that’s not good for hoping to unify this country, and so for my part, I try to stay away from hyperbolic terms.” WATCH

8 Comments on Kentucky’s Black Attorney General Throws Cold Water All Over Biden’s ‘Systemic Racism’ Claim

  1. America has already gone full stupid before I was born.. All one is left with is complaint, ans slowly experience what’s left go belly up over time. The only action is further enslavement. America has been castrated.

  2. Bravo! I do wish that whites could say the same thing and have as much credibility. We’ve fallen into the Left’s trap of looking upon a single black person being a spokesperson for a monolithic collective. We’ve got to take back our language as individualists and as a mere aggregate of “Americans”.

  3. jellybean, I do take encouragement from President Trump’s time in office. We must know that with record black employment and some 6MM people being lifted off gov’t aid; with record employment for hispanics and women, too, that those people didn’t just go back to drinking the Leftist kool-aide.

  4. Total craziness..

    We haven’t been dealing with this well.

    I know why. Look at your own system, and how you trusted it to evolve, and tell me you’re not stupid..? You literally place your trust in your own trust while losing trust over time..Your own money which isn’t yours any longer cause you trusted too much,, is now nothing more than “Trust us!” We violate everything we stand for in real time whenever the need arises.

    nOPE! tHeRE ARe NO cOMMuNISTS. wE’RE PRiGrESSiVE..! We Showed them in WWII.

    Why be further redundant.

  5. There is no one who hates what this shit than black people who have not been sucked up into it. I have friends who are absolutely disgusted by it and concerned about their kids getting all caught up in it.

  6. ” … concerned about their kids getting all caught up in it.”

    seriously???? … where are any people concerned about ‘their kids’ getting ‘all caught up in it’ enough to organize neighborhood classes? where are people organizing retired teachers & stay-at-home moms & dads that could teach? were are people taking control of their own & their children’s destiny?

    these ‘people’ want so much to send their kids to gov’t schools, so they can go back to work … or their soap operas …..WHY?????? gov’t rule schools have got us to this point!!!! parents today just think of schools as a form of day-care, & the agenda-driven schools are glad to comply

    re-opening schools is not the answer to the problem

    (not trying to pick a fight … just trying to point out willful parental ignorance of institutional indoctrination)

    asde: amazing that the Romans held on to their indoctrination of children for around 1,000 years … we can’t for a little over 200 years … rank us lower than the Spartans

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