Ketanji Jackson Hauls $1.5M in a Year – IOTW Report

11 Comments on Ketanji Jackson Hauls $1.5M in a Year

  1. Peanuts to what Uncle Tom Clearance Thomas takes in in a year. 4 million a year for promoting right-wing communist take-over of America. Treasonous sellout bastard. On top of that, his wife Ginny (who wears the pants in their family) tells him how vote & what to wear. Under his robe he wears, crotchless panties & a garter belt w/nylons. Ginny has a good little lapdog as Uncle Tom is such a pussy. Every lapdog has their day, & his days are just about over, ruff, ruff.

  2. Hey, any of you take a look at this other fraud, Shelitha Robertson, in Atlanta?

    Seriously, wasn’t she the black lady in Gone With the Wind?

    The world has become a comedy under Biden.

    Enjoy the ride, it’s almost over.


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