Kevin McCarthy To Meet With Private Citizen Trump – IOTW Report

Kevin McCarthy To Meet With Private Citizen Trump


You know it had to irk President Trump intensely for House minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to blame the Capitol Hill riots squarely on him.  Additionally, thanks to Rand Paul, with 45 senators voting to dismiss the article of impeachment, President Trump now knows the almost certain February outcome of the ridiculous partisan effort.  That’s the background for a report that Kevin McCarthy is heading to Florida this week for talks with President Trump.

The MAGA movement President Trump inspired is itching to break down the republican party in the next set of primary races.  McCarthy has no leverage; the establishment GOP have no leverage; the republican national committee have no leverage.  President Trump can destroy the republican party with a few targeted and direct words. More

17 Comments on Kevin McCarthy To Meet With Private Citizen Trump

  1. @Jethro -“When McCarthy left Mar-A-Lago he was seen limping and grimacing, like he had been kicked in the (place where his testicles would be if he had any) testicles.”

    Fixed it for you.

  2. Ah, so McCarthy is being sent to plead with Trump to take it easy on the Republican Party. “Yeah, sorry we stabbed you in the back and totally fucked you over, but c’mon, man — give us a break!” Trump should send McCarthy back to the G.O.P. in multiple gift-wrapped packages.


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