Kim Jong Un SPY PHOTOS Released. They Show Something Terrifying – IOTW Report

Kim Jong Un SPY PHOTOS Released. They Show Something Terrifying

SATELLITE images have revealed North Korea’s massive 176,000sq ft underground lair.

The U.S. SUN reports-

The Kanggye General Tractor Plant which is believed to have room for up to 20,000 people is considered the country’s largest underground arms factory.

The site, known as Factory No.26, has multiple tunnels that provide access to the interior of a 1.2m-long hill. 

Based on analysis by American researcher Jacob Bogle the huge factory is estimated to cover 176,000sq ft and while its exact size is not known, it is estimated it has multiple floors and numerous several-mile-long tunnels.

He told “The average person looking at the factory probably wouldn’t suspect just how large or important it is.

“Outside, in front of the hill that houses the underground portion, there’s about 50 hectares of administrative buildings, warehouses and even a small stadium for employees to play football. more

19 Comments on Kim Jong Un SPY PHOTOS Released. They Show Something Terrifying

  1. Terrifying? So the NORKs moved military manufacturing underground. That seems reasonable: the setup is semi-protected from attack, plus it’s easier to hide detail of how much of what is being produced.

    Oh, The Sun’s writer Aliki Kraterou needs an intro class on military ordnance. This sentence has a real honker of an error: “The plant is responsible for manufacturing ammunition including self-propelled artillery.”

  2. 176,000 sq.ft? That’s a medium sized shopping mall. The average mall in America is 200-400,000 square feet. The Mall of America is well over 4,000,000 square feet.

  3. I got boggled by the HUGE 176,000 sq ft, too. 77 P street is bigger than that and it was a fucking grain warehouse, or some such shit, in DC. I installed every telephone line in that shithole. It’s an STD clinic. HAAAA!

  4. You’ll need to fact check me on this, been awhile, but as I remember the old Howard Hughes Tuscon building was 22 million square feet. Most of it WAY underground. Built in the early 50’s. Been there many times. Awesome company. It’s Raytheon Missile and Space now.

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