Kinda Looks Like This Cop Shoots This Guy in the Head When He Goes To Start Up His Car – IOTW Report

Kinda Looks Like This Cop Shoots This Guy in the Head When He Goes To Start Up His Car


Are cops allowed to do that these days? Just want to get the rules straight.
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18 Comments on Kinda Looks Like This Cop Shoots This Guy in the Head When He Goes To Start Up His Car

  1. Once again, if these ‘roided-up cops would just stop believing in their own god-like superiority and act like peace officers, they would stop murdering people who don’t deserve to die.

    Do you sleep with your badge and gun?

  2. From Sean’s video.

    The guy was drunk.

    Had an open bottle of gin.

    Can’t produce a license.

    Refuses to get out of the car when ordered. (Resisting?)

    Starts engine and moves forward.

    Would I have shot him? Absolutely not. He can be chased and captured down the line.

    However, what if, during the chase he kills an innocent person.

    What then?

    This is just another case of where a decent young LEO runs into a drunken, good for nothing scumbag and his life is destroyed.

    And the drunken, good for nothing scumbag becomes a hero.

  3. Lots of “what if’s”. For example a high speed chase results in my child being hit and killed I’d be shouting from the roof tops ‘why or why did not the cop put the animal down before he got away!’.

    Play stupid games (DUI, no driver’s incense, instead of getting out of the car turning the car on) win stupid prizes (eat lead).

    For the record I don’t sleep with a badge. I do have a gun within reach but it gives me the warm and fuzzes knowing there are men and women out there holding the thine blue line.

  4. Much better video. Thanks! Officer felt his life was in danger.

    Deadbeats/criminals need to understand that their actions endanger their lives.

    If it’s between a thug’s life and a LEO’s life, well the thug is the one taking a chance.

  5. This was that wonderful pillar of the community black father (of at least 13 children, oldest of which was 17) who was an “artist” and “music producer”. No mention of how many baby mamas he had for all those children, and I’ll betcha they won’t be missing out on any child support, either.
    I watched the video and didn’t think the cop did anything wrong. The black guy was reaching for something.
    And just because the prosecutor convinced the grand jury to indict him of murder doesn’t mean a jury will. Prosecutor was just trying to keep down the riots. Time will tell.

  6. This is all very confusing to me. The cop is now a “Campus Security Guard” A square badge guy. Like a security guard a BJ’s. WTF? What kind of training did he have? No cop, with proper training would shoot at a guy moving away. It’s against all Rules an Procedures. I give up.

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