King Soopers Shooting: Ahmad Al-Issa Suspected Of Killing 10 – IOTW Report

King Soopers Shooting: Ahmad Al-Issa Suspected Of Killing 10


BOULDER, Colo. (CBS4) — The suspect in the mass shooting at a grocery store in Boulder on Monday has been identified as 21-year-old Ahmad Al-Issa from Arvada. Ten people, including one police officer, were killed at the King Soopers store at Table Mesa Drive and South Broadway.

Al-Issa has been charged with 10 counts of murder. There is no information about a possible motive at this time.



55 Comments on King Soopers Shooting: Ahmad Al-Issa Suspected Of Killing 10

  1. This isn’t likely to have a motive identified even if an extensive investigation looking for it is done.

    Immigration status may be interesting, and that should be known. Will it be published if he isn’t an American citizen?

    Wonder if the Feds will be involved in investigating it or just the State?

  2. First, there will be a candlelight vigil for the victims. Then there will be a community outreach for all the Mohammedans who are hurting in Boulder. Months will go by, then years, before it’s determined that the mass killer was suffering from mental illness. Yes, the Prophet Mohammed was involved, but he won’t be blamed in Boulder, Colorado. Unknown motive. Crazy mixed up kid. Need to ban all assault weapons. No death penalty is enforced in Colorado. Might make things worse for the victims’ families.

  3. “There is no information about a possible motive at this time.”
    D’OH! (double facepalm)

  4. Answerman Cooper,
    “Ahmad must have not seen the sign.”
    Assuming he could even READ the sign. (would that be “education-ist?”

  5. The circulating video shows a middle-aged man standing the doorway of the store and points over his shoulder indicating that the gunman is still inside…and continues to text on his phone.

    Hope those Crisis Actors get hazard pay.

    By the way, why have these “mass shootings’ resumed with the Biden* Administration? Oh, wait…time to turn in all your guns America.

  6. They don’t know his motive! Damn, if only he had a garage door pull on him 110 FBI agents would have been on the case like stink on a skunk!

  7. I don’t get it, we read all the time about suspects going for a weapon shot 27 times, yet this asshole, who guns down one of their own as well as 9 other innocents and the cops don’t kill him on the spot?

    Boulder is a lib town so I wouldn’t expect many concealed carries in that super market.

    And I have to admit that when I first saw that police chief my first reaction was ,”Great, another affirmative action hire”, but she seemed very heart felt in her comments.

    The religion of peace strikes again.

  8. Well allah my akbar, who’d a thunk it? A Trump supporter then.

    Boy, this will really mess up the narrative of the White Supremacist won’t it? The spin cycle on this one should make it into orbit.

  9. Rich Taylor;
    “Boulder is a lib town so I wouldn’t expect many concealed carries in that super market.”
    If a concealed carry shot the perp it would be a bigger story than the perp shooting innocent shoppers. Not to mention the trial and conviction for racism and shooting a muzzie.

  10. I have been intimately acquainted with Islam on 3 continents for decades.

    I can emphatically state there can be no co-existance with neither this satanically inspired false religion or any of its adherents…

  11. Possible motive??? A judge recently overturned Boulder’s ban and confiscation (turn in) “assault rifle” law…people sued the city and won. Now this a week or so later? And what was this nutjob’s (operative?) weapon of choice? An AR-15. Coincidence? Don’t think so.

  12. Joey* and his puppet masters jumped on this so quickly, calling for more “gun control”, violations of the Second Amendment and disarming of citizens that any connections to ISIS are irrelevant. The shooter could have been demonstrably sent by Iran and “the narrative” would remain unchanged.

  13. The Trolley Square shooter was a Bosnian muslim. Most people were never made aware of that inconvenient truth. The father made vague reference to outside influences but maintained it had nothing to do with Islam. Not enough evidence to say, one way or the other.

  14. Isaa,if you didnt know (and I’m pretty sure you didnt) is the Muslim name for Jesus, or should I say, the Muslim distortion of who Jesus was

    In the Religion of Peace, even the name of Jesus can turn you violent

  15. A lame stream media radicalized goat fornicator who couldn’t get any lovin’ goes on a mass murder spree, and it’s the gun’s fault (again) Now they’re trying to erase his mentally ill history from the public view, cuz it proves we have a Moslem problem, rather then a assault weapon issue.

  16. Boulder shooting suspect Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa was short-tempered, violent, former teammates say

    Hernandez said Alissa frequently appeared to be paranoid about perceived slights against him, and Marvel said Alissa was often concerned about being targeted because of his Muslim faith.
    “He would talk about him being Muslim and how if anybody tried anything, he would file a hate crime and say they were making it up,” Marvel said. “It was a crazy deal. I just know he was a pretty cool kid until something made him mad, and then whatever made him mad, he went over the edge — way too far.”


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