Kirk Cameron’s Christian story hour draws overflow crowd after disagreement with host library – IOTW Report

Kirk Cameron’s Christian story hour draws overflow crowd after disagreement with host library

JTN: Christian actor Kirk Cameron’s debut story hour for his Christian story book drew an overflow crowd to the Indianapolis Public Library.

Video footage of the event showed Cameron being escorted by police to the event. An estimated 1,000 people entered the building to hear him read, while an estimated 1,000 more crowded outside the building, Brave Books chief of staff Zac Bell said, according to the Washington Times.

Brave Books is publishing Cameron’s book.

Cameron and Brave Books celebrated the turnout, which followed an alleged scrap between them and the public library over the event. The publisher claimed in early December that many public libraries had either ignored or rejected offers for Cameron to appear.   more here

1 Comment on Kirk Cameron’s Christian story hour draws overflow crowd after disagreement with host library

  1. The library initially tried to say the turnout was very small.
    Then the pictures and video came out.
    You’d think librarians would be smarter.
    God bless Kirk Cameron. He is a fearless warrior for God.
    Blacklisted in Pedowood and he still doesn’t give up.


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