Kirsten Gillibrand Unveils Plan to Give Every Voter $600 to Spend on Elections – IOTW Report

Kirsten Gillibrand Unveils Plan to Give Every Voter $600 to Spend on Elections

Breitbart: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) unveiled a plan Wednesday to give each voter $600 worth of “Democracy Dollars,” which could be donated to federal political candidates of their choice in their state.

As part of her “Clean Elections Plan,” the New York presidential hopeful said the “Democracy Dollars” aim for the removal of big money in politics by making politicians less dependent on wealthy donors.

“My Clean Elections plan is a critical structural change that gets big money and special interests out of politics, and ensures that elected officials in Washington are beholden only to the people who sent them there,” Gillibrand said in a statement.

Under Gillibrand’s proposed plan, eligible voters could request up to $200 each for House, Senate, and presidential races. The money would be equally split between the primary and general election races.  more here

21 Comments on Kirsten Gillibrand Unveils Plan to Give Every Voter $600 to Spend on Elections

  1. FOR SALE: $599 OBO
    1 slightly used Set
    (1) Solar Panel
    (1) Charcoal Grill, SLIGHT CHARRING
    (1) Canteen
    (1) Silver Blanket
    (1) Wooden Match
    (3) Pairs of Nylons
    (3) Lipsticks
    (1) 2 Pack Prophylactics

    Leave a number

  2. Good! I will immediately declare for public office, collect $600.00 from everyone I can and then give it back to each of them as a political ploy to buy their vote. They end up $600,00 richer and I end up smiling about their good fortune!

  3. This is totally weird from a political standpoint: “Vote for me, I will take $600 out of your pocket to vote for me or someone else.”

    What the heck? Now we are going to be charged $600 to vote? Because where does that $600 come from?!

  4. Also imagine this, I got 20 people together and told a candidate that we were willing to throw our $12,000 combined state seized fund at them if they do X.

    What if I got 50, 100, 1000 people together, many of them with $0 tax returns?

    Assinine! Democrats are so stupid! Don’t they even look to the repercussions of their ideas?

  5. But seriously folks, This MJA post on Gillibrand has to be taken as comedy. We know that she is not going to the White House. And she has 0-1% (as of now) chance.

    So it’s over for her before she even placed her foot in the ring. Just ignore her.

  6. You Idiot, I’d just buy a new computer with that grip-O-cash.
    I could take out a 3rd world news org with a new computer.
    say goodbye to CNN. heh
    where do i sign up?

  7. So all citizens (and non-citizens, but who’s counting) will be REQUIRED to make political donations using money taken ONLY from people who pay taxes. Politicians win, taxpayers lose. Sounds about par for the course.

  8. “… Give Every Voter $600 …”
    Huh? If she wants to “give” her own money, I have no objection.
    Come to think of it, if she wants to “give” Bill Gates’ or Geo. Soros’ money, I don’t much give a fuck, either … but if she’s babbling about “giving” MY money, then FUCK HER and her burro!

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Within a week of the programs rollout 90% of
    the money will have been scammed and skimmed for
    dope, hookers and booze.
    It’s the democratic way of returning wealth to
    the inner cities


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