Klaus Schwab to Step Down as World Economic Forum Executive Chairman – IOTW Report

Klaus Schwab to Step Down as World Economic Forum Executive Chairman

Breitbart: Arch-globalist and head of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab has reportedly informed staff that he will be stepping down as WEF executive chairman.

The 86-year-old self-appointed Sultan of Davos sent an email to staff on Tuesday announcing that he will no longer run the world’s most prominent globalist advocacy group although he will likely stay on in some non-executive role, the website Semafor claimed.

A WEF spokesman told the website that the Forum will be changing its governance structure and that as a result, Schwab “will transition from Executive Chairman to Chairman of the Board of Trustees” by the start of next year.

Although Schwab has not officially named a successor, the Financial Times reported that former Norwegian Foreign Minister and current WEF President Børge Brende will take over the top job in Davos. MORE

16 Comments on Klaus Schwab to Step Down as World Economic Forum Executive Chairman

  1. Klaus Schwab became the poster boy and millstone around the neck of the World Economic Forum.

    Schwab did more to wake up the masses regarding the Marxist/Communist, one world economic control of Earth’s population.
    The WEF should be shunned by the international community and disbanded.

  2. “What I wouldn’t give to see a video of SEAL TEAM 6 parachute into Davos and wipe out every last one of those WEF assholes.”

    Dr Hambone, may God bless you, but, remember who commands SEAL Team 6?

    IOW, stated with full sarcasm, what color is the sky on your planet?

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