Knobhead Tells Tucker Carlson That Picking Your Gender is “Settled Science” – IOTW Report

Knobhead Tells Tucker Carlson That Picking Your Gender is “Settled Science”

This is where we are with the left. Their idiotic declarations are simply “settled science.”  If a scientist steps up to dissent, they are hacks, paid, quacks or simply ignored.

Carlson asked this knob to produce ONE accredited scientist that will say it’s “science” that a person can determine their gender. If he can he will give the guy $1000.

All the left has managed to do is parse the word gender and make it mean something apart from a person’s “sex,” and then apply it to areas where a person is asked to identify what sex they are.

That’s not biological science, that’s social science – the science of the left.

28 Comments on Knobhead Tells Tucker Carlson That Picking Your Gender is “Settled Science”

  1. Any and every time you hear “this is settled science” substitute the words “this is a lie but don’t challenge me.” There is no such thing as settled science, and any actual scientist will tell you so. Only those who do not know or care what the scientific method entails will ever use that term.

  2. This guy was arrested for Meth possession in 2013 while working for the Nevada DNC. Once a methhead always a methhead. He’s the head of the anti Trump “War” room for the DNC that still can’t figure out why he lost. Google this idiot, he’s mostly worked for losers in the Democrat party including Harry Reid.

  3. Seein as “gender” is a phony construct, in the first place, it only follows that the ability to “pick” one’s “gender” would be settled “science” for someone who has no understanding of either “gender” or “science.”

    These people are confused and evil; and they wish to confuse others and spread that evil. This is more easily accomplished among the ignorant – thus, their blatantly false statements and pronouncements about concepts which are beyond their grasp – in the hopes of wowing the morons and imbeciles.

    It, apparently, works – if Hollyweird and DC are any indications.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “The World is trying the experiment of attempting to form a civilized with non-Christian mentality. The experiment will fail; but we must be very patient in awaiting its collapse; meanwhile redeeming the time: so that the Faith may be preserved alive through the dark ages before us; to renew and rebuild civilization, and save the World from suicide” (T. S. Eliot, Lambeth Conference 1930).

  5. Like knobhead says at the beginning: the Obama administration was shaking everyone down with the threat of title nine lawsuits if they didn’t go along with this nonsense.

    That’s what he said in so many words.

    Obama and his lawless criminal administration are over, thank goodness. No more Obama administration shakedowns.

  6. Did you ever watch a cat that has caught a mouse? He lets the mouse “escape” a few inches away, only to pounce on it again. This is what Tucker reminds me of. He just ran circles around chrome-dome.

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