Kraft-Heinz To Lay Off 2600 Employees and Close 7 Factories – IOTW Report

Kraft-Heinz To Lay Off 2600 Employees and Close 7 Factories

At some point, hasn’t Obama ass-sniffer Warren Buffet, and his Berkshire Hathaway, made enough money??

How wide does he want to make the wealth gap???!!!!???

Is he laying off his secretary that pays more in taxes than he does?

When do we start hearing about Berkshire Hathaway in the same ominous tones that we hear Koch Industries in?

13 Comments on Kraft-Heinz To Lay Off 2600 Employees and Close 7 Factories

  1. The ass-sniffing has achieved its desired goal – Berkshire is basically a monopoly in the insurance/financial industry. Any other company would run afoul of trust laws, but Buffett’s liberal credentials keep him out of legal trouble

  2. It looks to me that Kraft-Heinz is closing production facilities primarily in high tax states (and Ontario, Canada) with extensive employee protection laws and regulations. The company is also “modernizing” its production facilities, which is code speak for “more automation.” Nothing in the report suggests that Kraft-Heinz has lost sales or market share.

    I think that raising the minimum wage to $20 or more an hour should fix this problem.

  3. Gee Wally, this aughta make the Øbamboozler’s farcical, rip-roaring, rib-tickling, side-splitting, knee-slapping, gut-busting, aisle-rolling, busted-ass, phoney-baloney, plastic-banana unemployment figures slide just under the 5% mark now!

  4. AND Buffett / Berkshire Hathaway, gets a pass on all those oil spills that happen when his trains derail. Where were all the Enviro-Nutjobs with their picketing? Where were they near the Mississippi River over the spring? MIA that’s where!

  5. Now, just how, exactly, is this a bad thing?
    Moving 2600 people into funemployment is a positive thing.
    They get to spend more time with family. They get to move into a more diverse neighborhood.
    Those are all good things.
    Isn’t this something we all should aspire to?

  6. Hi Wyatt. It looks like about 214 employees in St. Mary’s Ontario are being laid off. The re-election of a Liberal Party in Ontario probably had something to do with the decision. The election of the Liberal Party at the federal level didn’t help. We here in Ontario can only hope that the provincial Liberals screw up so bad (and they are certainly trying) that they lose a confidence vote and have to call an election and that the morons that voted liberal last time see the light. I’m afraid that the Federal Liberals will be in for the full four or so years.

  7. Kellogg’s layoffs and now this. We can lead illegals to the country but can’t make ’em eat.

    I guess they don’t sprinkle corn flakes on their frijoles nor put ketchup (catsup?) on their burritos.

    Remember Corporate America, you’re importing non-consumers not just cheap labor.

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