Krauthammer Makes A Simple Argument – IOTW Report

Krauthammer Makes A Simple Argument

Prager University’s latest video, featuring Charles Krauthammer, explains why we’ll never have a functional immigration policy until we get the wall built on the southern border.


13 Comments on Krauthammer Makes A Simple Argument

  1. It has been 11 million for many years now. How is that possible. God only knows how many there are.
    Yes, build that wall.
    Stop all benefits for all immigrants.
    E-verify for all, regardless of how long they have been here.
    They will self deport. After all, they came here on their own. They can figure out how to leave. If we do this again (amnesty) the liberals and neoconservative will be making the same arguments in the future.

  2. Build the wall and e-verify would curtail an enormous amount but let’s not delude ourselves….most that come here, work here and do not want to be citizens of this country because that means they would have to pay a fair share.

  3. Kraut you are a MORON. There are no less than 60 million here. If you love them so much why dont you take in 11(rapists, child molesters, murderers etc) on a trial basis.We’ll check back with you in about 3 months.

  4. The left have been perpetuating the myth of 11 million illegals for at least 15 years. Let’s call their bluff. 11 million can stay, (with the aforementioned conditions) all the rest get deported.

  5. F*CK Krauthammer.
    He contradicts himself in the first minute.
    (and, yes, it’s closer to 50 million…)

    Let him take in *former* illegals in his house.
    For five years.
    THEN let him make another “immigration” proposal.

    The cuck has it BACKWARDS:
    enforce imigration laws
    start e-verify
    build the wall
    THEN and ONLY then
    throw the g*dd*mned illegals OUT and KEEP THEM OUT

  6. If we start E-Verify, Obama won’t be able to get his Pension.
    I don’t know WHERE ON EARTH this notion of CAN’T deport comes from. WE CAN DEPORT 11 Million. It IS NOT a moral issue to do so. It is immoral NOT to do so. Cut off the flow of Gravy as well. NO TAX REFUNDS FOR ILLEGALS!!!!!!!! NO WELFARE, NO CITIZENSHIP FOR ANCHOR BABIES. PUNISHMENT.

  7. Krauthammer needs to make up his mind, half the time he hates everything Trump does, including breathing, the other half of the time his nose is buried in Trump’s ass.

  8. Maybe the gov’t should make a bunch of public service announcements showing the basic Mexican treatment of illegals sneaking into Mexico. That ought to give the bleeding hearts something to ponder.

  9. In the New World Order there will be no need for borders, we all be “Citizens of the World”. A chip will [ostensibly] keep track of every person, wherever they are, and so all of their/our money will be credits; citizenship, from anywhere, irrelevant, no one will ever again be in need as benevolent world gov’t absolutism will decide.
    Religious status will be very relevant, as those terrorist followers of Christ that are going around the globe blowing stuff up, stabbing, shooting, kidnapping, white-slaving and all of those other horrendous, vile evil things that result from sayings like “Love your neighbor as you love yourself”, “Pray for those who spitefully use you”, “Turn the other cheek” absolutely they must be stopped.
    Those who follow “that man of sin…that son of perdition” (2Tim 2:3) will have a brief period seeming Utopia, before judgement falls…

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