Kremlin responds to Kiev’s plan for ‘peace formula’ talks – IOTW Report

Kremlin responds to Kiev’s plan for ‘peace formula’ talks

Ukraine is contradicting itself by claiming that it could hold peace talks with Russia after a proposed summit in Switzerland later this year, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.

His comments came after Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba suggested on Friday that Kiev could engage in diplomacy with Moscow following the Swiss-hosted peace summit, a date for which is still to be announced.

“Such a statement absolutely contradicts the codified ban on the President of Ukraine to negotiate with Russia,” Peskov said. In 2022, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky banned all talks with the current leadership in Moscow after four former Ukrainian regions overwhelmingly voted to join Russia.

The Kremlin spokesperson also indicated that Moscow will not accept a set of rules “developed by someone else.”  MORE

17 Comments on Kremlin responds to Kiev’s plan for ‘peace formula’ talks

  1. A peace solution, you say? For the two parties directly involved, you’d be hard pressed to find anything better than EtOH produced by distillation from fermented a Solanum tuberosum mash, i.e. vodka.

  2. “I’m thinking Victoria Nuland and friends have conspired to to kill every Ukrainian that it takes to reach their goals of WWIII. Maybe that has been reached”

    Or, Nuland is one dumb cunt. I’m going with that.

  3. Brad, it’s not so much that she’s one dumb cunt as much as she is a willing participant in creating a NWO, WEF type of worldwide shit hole. She, and those on her side are absolutely enemies!

  4. Funny how knowing a Trump or Reagan is inevitable encourages idiots to reconsider their idioting.

    @ Brad FRIDAY, 29 MARCH 2024, 23:07 AT 11:07 PM

    Not by himself, he had a lot of help. The Goddamn idiots who were egging him on are every bit as culpable. That applies to everyone from the elected and appointed grifters all the way down to the current thing virtue signalers who were exploiting this for their own personal advantage. I don’t know which is more contemptible.

  5. “I don’t know which is more contemptible.”

    Ahhhh … they may be equally contemptible … or equally beneath contempt …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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