Kurt Schlichter Taunts The Left To Turn Up the Crazy – IOTW Report

Kurt Schlichter Taunts The Left To Turn Up the Crazy


We all know the left is certifiably insane and only getting worse since the election. Rather than try to help our fellow citizens who dwell on the left with their mental disorder, Townhall’s Kurt Schlichter encourages all of us to dare progressives to amp up the volume.


8 Comments on Kurt Schlichter Taunts The Left To Turn Up the Crazy

  1. They keep turning it up so much the feedback is causing the sane people to cover their ears.
    I wasn’t a President Trump supporter in the beginning, wasn’t sure about him.
    This has been an awesome lesson on how a master tactician keeps the opposition on their round heels.
    Just think what could be accomplished if the caltrops weren’t in the road.
    Way better than SNL, it’s every day.

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