Kurt Schlichter’s Response To Calls For “Unity” – IOTW Report

Kurt Schlichter’s Response To Calls For “Unity”


Unify this, jerks. We’re not interested in normalcy that equals serfdom. More

38 Comments on Kurt Schlichter’s Response To Calls For “Unity”

  1. Oh hello Frostee, hope your year went well. This new one looks to be about the same so far.

    Then again, out here in Titmouse Az, every day looks pretty much the same.

    I should probably switch liquor brands or something.

  2. According to Mr. Shclickqter, you’re a “fantasist”, since we’re just supposed to accept everything with bad grace and go on with our lives.

    I was hoping to find assembly points, battle buddies and MRE’s with hot sauce in them. But alas, we’re sitting this one out.

    Go figure.

  3. Fantasist R Us. We’ve been called worse. If this SOB is complicit in voter fraud w/ the CCP then I want him before a Military Tribunal. But roughed up a bit before his trial. I’d like to see this done to Pelosi as well.


    Um……heh heh, let’s not skip to the master plan just yet…

    What I meant to say was, “I sure hope cooler heads prevail.”

    That sounds believable, right?

  5. OK I gotta say something, and it’s off topic:

    For those of you whose comments are disappearing because of the word “socialism”, know that we did NOT ban that word.
    If it is banned, it ain’t done by us. So just type the word with a space or a period in it til I can figure this shit out.

  6. If this guy thinks elections will ever be above board again if the Dirty Dems succeed, he’s living the fantasy. The Dirty Dems will institutionalize Dominion and Smartmatic and never lose again.

    He’s right about this unity bulloney.
    Call us nasty names and threaten us for 4 yrs then say let’s heal and unify? 4 Q

  7. “but don’t ask me to treat His Fraudulence like anything but the vaguely aware interloper he is, occupying the White House solely due to a confluence of rigging, GOP idiocy, and slobbering media tongue-bathing.”

    Just saying… That is a great quote

  8. @MJA – dammit! You’re right!

    I tried to post on this thread using the S(hit)-word but each time it came up blank!

    I’m using Duck Duck Go for my smartphone browser but if this shit keeps up it’s Duck Duck Gone

    Which browser is unaffected by the fecal fascist fucktards of censorship?

  9. Chrome doesn’t work either. But it’s no big deal, how often do you use the word anyway? Now, if they started to block important words, like and then I’d be concerned.

  10. Android here.

    goddam Skynet is taking over!

    (btw, I am on a private site that betts its members. No problems over there when I post the equivalent to Fascist Progressivism)


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